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Sunday, July 30

vodka makes me lose my mind

drunkenness hit me like a cannonball last night. as some of you may have already seen from steve's late night picture sendings, the grass in front of the bar was as close as i could get to it.

Thursday, July 27

dumb shit - huh huh - YEAH, THAT SHIT'S DUMB, HEH HEH. huh-huh, yeah, duuuumb

i found some effective new stretches for the upper body. there have been immediate consequences. i'm eager to see what happens in a week or so.

to be clear, this is important. far more important than any stretching i've been doing so far. the lower back/lower body stretching simply gave me more stamina throughout the day. well, that, and it gave me an understanding of how the stretching process would work, meaning, what i could expect in terms of progress, what pain limit was most effective to hold etc. and it got me simply into the habit of stretching. but all the while the upper-body loomed. the sides, the chest, the shoulders, the neck. this is where my real muscle pain lies.

my mother grabbed some book a few weeks ago about how to heal yourself through exercise. i finally looked through it two days ago. every symptom or problem i thought that related to me seems to be able to be cured by either running or stretching. and for a few things it mentioned the healing powers of weightlifting. (this is all obvious, but...) running topped most mental problem categories, from depression to creative blocks. and it's true, physical activity has cured me of any problems of anxiety. stretching was listed as the cure to muscle pain.

i know how to run, and i've never felt any discomfort from the waist down, so i checked out the diagrams for stretches to help shoulder and neck pain. i've tried stretching my upper body before but one part of me said that it was less important because the muscles weren't as big and so the effect would be less pleasing. but another part of me felt like it was too hard, physically and mentally.

the tension in my neck and shoulders goes hand in hand with my daily ruts and habits. stretching my lower body allowed me to enjoy those things more fully. but those things all involve holding still, whether it's watching tv or a video game or reading and writing on the computer. those things aren't so bad in themselves, but i've attached other, worse vices to them - smoking, drinking, chewing, eating.

maybe i'm naively ambitious, but the part of me that didn't want to stretch my upper body was, i believe, the part of me that didn't want to let go of habits that i'd come to rely on.

it's been a fairly long path to recovery (from what ever it is that i feel now the urge to say that i recovered from it) and i've come in small steps. it's the way i wanted to. i think that i could have gotten to this point much more swiftly had i begun stretching my upper body a while ago. i had seen that book for a while now. but not until two days ago did i finally feel like it was time to see what it said and then, what's more, go ahead and try out some of the diagrams.

i'm slow to motivate.

anyway, it's not like after a few weeks of these stretches that i'll be unrecognizable, it's just, this is a step that i've been meaning to take for years. i get to feel like, while i'm still going up and down, overall, i'm on an upswing.

quick note: the pain in my chest that i used to be able to crack, yet haven't been able to for nearly a year (a year i spent weightlifting), is now, finally, able to guide me into raising my shoulders off my chest by activating my upper back.

doing something productive with that pain has been a very long term goal for me.

i've had problems with tension since i was young. the way i played video games and read books on my stomach kept my neck very stiff. i remember my family making fun of me when i would start to complain and then panic because i couldn't yawn. i have the same problem sitting here today. i can't quite get the release i want to feel - can't quite yawn the whole way. i envy dogs when i see them do it. i feel like i'm closer to being able to detach my jaw than to stretch it out.

so, the pain, what i now recognize as stiffness, is very evident while doing these stretches, especially evident when compared to how it felt when i started stretching my lower body. but it's also more fun, and contrary to what that one part of me had felt, more pleasing than the bigger muscles. this, counter-intuitive, because of an over-looked factor: there was much more stiffness in my upper-body. it's i've saved up the pain in my back, made it ripe.

(i wonder how many of my true beliefs i don't relay here because i can't write well enough to get them across, and so what i write is always behind how i truly feel.)

i used to think (vaguely) that the pain and tension (and power) i was building up in my back and neck would be able to be released with the action-equal-opposite-reaction principle. like i was storing up energy. and maybe that could have been the case. but i feel now more like i don't want an explosion. maybe now i'd rather have a long and steady increase. and the more that i come to believe that, the easier it is for me to let the pain and stress go - not like letting a nearly filled up balloon slip from your grasp, letting it take off in a frenzied scream, but like letting it float for a while until it slowly seeps away. the latter feels much more healthy to me. however the former held promise or the possibility of doing something...surprising, uncontrolled and great.

but more, i think that thoughts like the last one were just traps. perspectives change.

so, anyway, let's see what happens. i mean, shit, i'm even getting excited about the idea of starting one of these stores down at the beach. you couldn't have made me think about it two years ago. (thus noting the main point of recovery as the last, un-parentheses-ed sentence of a post about recovery)

Friday, July 14

blunted, but with a day-old second serving

whenever a critic or biographer writes an introduction for a classic novel, they usually try to connect the themes or characteristics of the artist's work to the at-the-time current probable feelings and means of rationalizations the author was going through.

so like, the novel was the author expressing themselves behind it's mask of the historical technique and acceptance of that craft. as the snowborder flips and spins to define themself.

when i wrote a fiction piece in any english class, i registered that the less true feelings i put into the piece, the better. i thought it all needed made up. i even confided to my favorite english professor that i'd felt i'd somehow cheated when i wrote a piece that felt like it reflected my true feelings.

but is this then not the case. should it be an exhibition, siona?

anyway, maybe

quickly, i want to say how much i'm enjoying the matador - the movie. perfectly timed, that piece, for me

so, if i was to write a novel that i felt reflected myself, sure there would be tragedy, and who knows, perhaps it would end with a nice, resoluting, bang. but the main characteristic would be that it would build. it would build and build and build, and as of now, it would end, leaving no satisfaction for the reader, for the piece. all of that potential, wantonly wasted. there's a sin for that in the bible.

so i guess that's what i think of me. and plus, apparently, and unavoidably, there'd be a hellovalotta pride. that's called bad in the bible too. let's see..

20 or so of my favorite words beginning with "G-a," abridged

Gala (did you see what kiddo wore to the recent gala?)
Gallant (as in, what a gallant cheesecake)
Galore (like, Heaven's Galore! what a ballgame!)

Gambit (but mostly as in, the x-man)(he's in my favorite 10 xmen list, abridged)
Gangway - the interjection (as in, Gangway! fellow pirates with eyepatches and yon treacherous* vagrants off hunting treasure in rivers and oceans alike)
Garish (did you see the garish dress kiddo wore to le galore locale?)
Garrulous (kiddo can wear whatever kiddo wants to wear. don't be so garrulous..ya witch**)

"G-a" words i didn't know and now like, abridged

Gad - to wander about idly or restlessly
Gambol - frolic; to jump and skip about in play
Gamin - 1. a homeless child who roams the streets 2. a girl with a roguish saucy charm: also gamine

"G-a" words related to the word "Look," possibly abridged


*look for includement in future addition 20 or so favorite words starting with "Tre"
**it's possible witch is one of the best "Wi" words...

recently, i drank and

Tuesday, July 11

postmodern pain

ah! blasted toothache
from whence do you come

neither a blade that is searing
of fiercely hot cold iron
or vicious salt
flung in mine own eyes
would make me rejoice thee

ah! horrid toothache
from whom? so i can blame

that i dream of such pleasure
rocky drilling will bring
that i dream with a smile
of a needle
deep back in my mouth

but then once the pain is gone and my bottom lip trembles since numb
and without feeling, hands dig instruments sharp and hard into my pulled open mouth
and i simulate pain because i know it should hurt
so my shoulders are tense and my face might look tortured
but then i try to relax to see what that's like
and i see the whole scene like i'm watching tv
but then the heat of their presence is made aware in my mouth
their hands jabbing and jamming and sucking and probing
and a panic overtakes me - yet just for a second
as i've been better at conquering that phase of my problems

but no pain at all, as they dig in my mouth
and crank and wiggle my gums till they bleed
but just because there's no pain, should i trivialize the process
can i live without sin if i can bypass the punishment?

Wednesday, July 5

on wearing a mohawk

drunk friends' limbs dangle limp off half-gotten-into recliners and etc. when shawn comes home from the bar at 3 am. and here's the thing: if you don't want to get a mohawk hair-do, never mention that you do.

yeah, i could have just worn a red hat into public that next morning in the shady side of pittsburgh, but let's just see what it's like to have a mohawk, i thought. and plus there was encouragement from steve.

i imagined it would be like wearing a shirt that just said 'HOLY FUCK' big and clear across its front. everyone's going to look, but also, and then quickly, everyone's going to look away. plus you gotta watch for getting into a bunch of fights.

one thing i've thought a ton about but never ended up getting on this blog here was that FX show Black. White. that show caused me so much anger and worked-uppedness. but a major theme (or argument) was about prejudice being seen more because it was expected more from the black family. so when the white guy would go out in black make-up, he'd see less. or so that was his reasoning. and although i felt that the white guy was the least open-minded, i still feel that this is partially true. [note the colbertness]

so, here i go first thing, to test out my new 'look-at-me' style. a nice bad move got me off on the wrong foot as i pulled into a parking lot that was apparently one i wasn't allowed to park in. so here's a question: was the old guy who was gaurding the lot's 'hey bud, this is private parking' meaner because i was wearing a mohawk, or not? well, that's what i was analyzing right after he said it and so instead of naturally just telling him 'oops, my bad,' i instead just stood there looking all mean in my mohawk and thus creating a whole lot of tension. i realized why the situation got how it did but i didn't know how to get out of it. once i imagined i was a badass and imagined that he took me as one, i couldn't help but act like one. i tried to say things i'd normally, nicely say, but instead it came out gruff and incoherent - so i just turned and walked back to my car a little dismayed and disgruntled.

then there's the whole quick story about how i then tried to leave that parking lot the wrong way what with my beckoning back to the car pulling in in front of me that i just wanted to get around him and then with me realizing afterwards that i wasn't following the arrow system in the lot (which i don't think you legally have to follow anyway) but then i was still sensitive to my badass perception and so i was trying to do things right and so i started backing up to turn around but that old guy guard started waving his arm as if now i was just fucking things up worse and that i might as well just keep going. but i didn't. i said something like this is just too weird now, and went to find some other spot to park.

so, a little frazzled, but steve sees a spot and so i try to square myself around four blocks to get back to it and in the process a guy pulls up to me and lowers his window.

'this is a one way street bud.'

i look at him and wonder if he's being more of an asshole because i have a fucking mohawk. therefore, i only end up managing, 'is that right?'

so, haha, he just says, 'yeah it is, so uh, just be very careful' and he drove off.

cuz there's no fucking way he's telling that guy with that mohawk to obey the rules or anything. he's just one man, how's he gonna take down my whole kind. he's not going to. he's going to just put his window up fast and drive off.

so, the above happened all in those first few minutes of people seeing me with a mohawk. completely defeated, i force a chinese fire drill on steve and allow him to do some parking to finally meet nathan to begin the trip south.

i thought i would wear a bandana (as i'd before) while hiking the trails, but instead, again, the mohawk prevailed as my uppermost feature. good experiences became the norm eventually as i got to surprise people with preemptive 'hellos' 'good day's' and 'hiyas'. people enjoyed it. sure, there were a few quick looks back down, but i blame them on me. i mean, i wouldn't hold the gaze of a mohawk if he didn't first engage me with politeness. but everyone wants to be able to say that they were once friends with a guy with a mohawk and so it was kind of fun.

i enjoy being nice to people much more, when they least expect it
No smoking around chadswope. Thankyou for your co-operation.

From Go-Quiz.com