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Sunday, July 30

vodka makes me lose my mind

drunkenness hit me like a cannonball last night. as some of you may have already seen from steve's late night picture sendings, the grass in front of the bar was as close as i could get to it.

8 $BlogItemCommentCount$:

  • At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Vodka, yes, quite a drug. It's Lou by the way. I only I could hang out with you guys as of late. I've had a one track mind for the last two weeks and it's getting more intense every day - this is because I have to take a big test soon. I would like to see these pics you mentioned, too to provide me with comic relief.

  • At 5:26 PM, Blogger Olivia Meiring said…

    Vodka!! MMMMM! my drink of choice and a frequent choice this last week.

    I really need to see these pictures. NEED. Send them to nathans cell if you dont have my number.

  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    i'm thinking vodka is the scariest drink in the world after these two nights i've had. anyway, you'll have to get a hold of steve for the pictures. most of them you can't really see anyway =( heh

    sorry guys

    it would be good to see you (pl.) soon though. i'd show you how vodka and i make a winning team! but i won't do it at my house again. getting so drunk that i end up dancing with my mom is way too embarrassing, unless i'm at a wedding

  • At 6:34 PM, Blogger Olivia Meiring said…

    Dancing with your mom is pretty bad... but take heart. At least you didnt dance over your sister at New Years while she did pelvic thrusts towards your giant eagle belt. Hahahaha! Oh those were the days...

    Ooh and my word verification for right now is tvtoo!!!! Im so happy about this.

  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    giant eagle belt?? that wasn't something i was involved in was it?

    tvtoo?!! even the internet gets bored sometimes i guess

    and how about mine here: nmhpjk

    boring as hell eh?

  • At 1:55 AM, Blogger Olivia Meiring said…

    hee hee! I was referring to Nathan and Nykki over New Years... though the state you were in by that time I didnt think you'd remember. Seriously though, the only thing funnier than Nathan dancing is Nathan and Nykki dancing. The next time it happens Im shaking you awake!!

  • At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah.. i don't remember the pelvic thrusts.. i feel better that i don't.. i remember mostly ray the dj playing to the english guys who were, i think this the correct usage, pissed. going to pick up lou and generally having a good time, but yeah chad, you were tuckered out around 9:00 ..

  • At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've noticed, as of (very) recent, that I'm not getting hangovers as much anymore...

    Probably because I'm drinking more frequently and less at a pop.

    I'm going to revise my religious beliefs and .............


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