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Friday, July 14

blunted, but with a day-old second serving

whenever a critic or biographer writes an introduction for a classic novel, they usually try to connect the themes or characteristics of the artist's work to the at-the-time current probable feelings and means of rationalizations the author was going through.

so like, the novel was the author expressing themselves behind it's mask of the historical technique and acceptance of that craft. as the snowborder flips and spins to define themself.

when i wrote a fiction piece in any english class, i registered that the less true feelings i put into the piece, the better. i thought it all needed made up. i even confided to my favorite english professor that i'd felt i'd somehow cheated when i wrote a piece that felt like it reflected my true feelings.

but is this then not the case. should it be an exhibition, siona?

anyway, maybe

quickly, i want to say how much i'm enjoying the matador - the movie. perfectly timed, that piece, for me

so, if i was to write a novel that i felt reflected myself, sure there would be tragedy, and who knows, perhaps it would end with a nice, resoluting, bang. but the main characteristic would be that it would build. it would build and build and build, and as of now, it would end, leaving no satisfaction for the reader, for the piece. all of that potential, wantonly wasted. there's a sin for that in the bible.

so i guess that's what i think of me. and plus, apparently, and unavoidably, there'd be a hellovalotta pride. that's called bad in the bible too. let's see..

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  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger Salomé said…

    I think about writing like I think about improvising a character in acting. I pull from my life experiences, sometimes directly, but sometimes when there is a situation that I create in my writing that is something I have never been through and I used other things that I have experienced to inform the writing. But even if the feelings are not my actual feelings, I create them in myself for the moments that I am writing, so that when I express them, they will sound true. I don't htink of it as cheating. Unless expressing one's humanness is cheating.

    But creativity is so different for different people that I think there is no wrong way.


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