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Monday, March 27

Zero minus 1 equals something?

I know. I couldn't believe it either.

this doesn't work any more.

Life and how it is. by R. C. Pro-Am

man, i keep coming up with blog titles but nothing for them to describe

Wednesday, March 22

a wolfman among men, reminiscient

this is by far my favorite page ever. (in case anybody missed it)

especially the trophies link.

Thursday, March 16

if you're looking for, a furniture store, with a little syle and grace

yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know the jingle. however, should i buy this store from my aunt? $150,000 and it's mine. should probably be able to get a loan considering the circumstances and after buying it for the above price and getting the loan for that much she'll give me a check for $10,000 just for being her manager/nephew over the last few years. point being that if she sells to someone else she's still going to give me $10,000 to, in her words, go live in europe for a few months or whatever i want, etc! but the store is doing excellent and i'm familiar with almost everything about it. the $10,000 could go to a downpayment on some kind of townhouse in altoona or something if i do decide to buy the franchise from her. i guess i need to really think about this. [i'm just going to have to use my brain...damnit! - lou gets the allusion..but, anyone else? point is, my plan very well just might end up like theirs (not their end, necessarily, but their means). we know things are getting crazy when i break out the brackets]

as anthony was saying, i then would be able to say while getting a haircut, 'hurry this up, i'm going to have to get back to my business.' or any sentence that ends with 'i'm going to have to get back to my business,' which would be sweet.

Tuesday, March 14

Homage to the easily impressed

this is a classic post in which i'm only writing words here because i wanted to have a post titled as above. so, what can i come up with? i'm wondering if looking off to my right is always how i try to come up with ideas.

haha, now i'm thinking it would have been funny if i would have started a post i was taking seriously, with the opening phrase, 'this is a classic post...'. heh, yeah, that's legendary.
steve's here

Thursday, March 9

she's a good ship, hiking

this is what i want and what i'm talking about. it's actually really a photo of shenandoah and it's exactly the color that i want it to be. adam becoming a doctor in the dominican, or some crazy place, i don't know what kind of people i can draw (other than shawn of course), but i really want to go back here (at least).

(steve, you know what i mean right now, you're currently walking down that stairwell to the front desk. good luck. did you guys let it happen??)

and i'm aware that hiking is steve's seventh favorite thing to do, and that shawn bogarts his off days, and that lou's in ny, but how does doug feel about forty pounds on his back and fires and whiskey with not even other hikers around for 10 miles in every direction? could nathan be a go? webb or mccabe? we slept on that 'kayak only' river side.

so, maybe i need to go to yahoo groups and search semi-intense hiking clubs or something. hmm, with paid vacation days this year, maybe, once i get a loan to pay off my taxes, i'll be able to finally fly out west and maybe web or kuhar would be possible. but matt's maybe too intense. he'd want to climb mountains, i'd wager. or hang out with a lot of people i don't know. but anyway, i'll probably just go to busch gardens twice again

Tuesday, March 7

i = author of this post, and i accept all responsibility

my creativity seems to be going to uh, hmm, shit? hmm, well i guess that was creative. and that's about my limit for today. to prove it, my last bit of creative inspiration was to change the word 'about' from the last sentence to 'a boot' and make everyone start reading this post in a canadian accent. a canadian accent!!? what's my mind coming to?

hmm, if i only had a pretense to pull me along

Sunday, March 5

so as to not disappear, a post i'd saved a few days ago as draft

i don't have anything to think about anymore. my mind's as stress free as a brand new piece of cherry furniture, as it weren't. but hey, no panic on the rides home anymore. i had a few scary heartbeats the other day when on my way to the hair-styler's (it's another place where you're trapped. you can't stop them mid-haircut, you know?), but it passed after a few seconds. so i'm here where i make some mistakes, but when i'm not making any, i'm thoroughly happy. the best part is having my concentration back.

so now i'm thinking that despite fears, which i'd begun to believe that everything i feared must be true, i didn't create pain to distract myself from anything. just, the pain was distracting my from being able to concentrate. and the pain came from apathy. i physically and dramatically notice tension in my neck easing as the tension and weight of being is now being taken care of in muscles more apt to deal with it.

so, here's what i'm doing with my renewed focus. i think shawn inadvertenly presented me with a challenge a few weeks ago (maybe it was someone else though). he was playing San Andreas and mentioned that he didn't think you were supposed to learn the streets in the game because there were so many and it was impossible. at the time i thought that that was kind of cool because it would be more like you were in that city and had no idea how to get around and had to use a map, etc. i'd tried playing the game a couple of times since i bought it but couldn't really 'get into it.'

but so i woke up one morning and realized that if i really wanted to 'get into it,' i'd have to 'get into it.' so, instead of stealing a car and drive around looking for a better car until i accidentally hit a cop and then, him shooting, forces my (gun in) hand to become, as the rap goes, a cop killing machine (the word 'machine' added for cool effect), and then spend 10 minutes eluding, i, (way back) instead, got my lazy ass up onto a bmx and started riding around the block and then blocks and then blocks working on memorization. knowing exactly how to get where you want without having to use the map and blips allows for much more fun and creativity in this game. so, i didn't start playing the game and just allow it to take me for the ride. i put effort into it, as i used to as a child, or as a man that was able to concentrate, as i am again now. point is, things are looking good.
No smoking around chadswope. Thankyou for your co-operation.

From Go-Quiz.com