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Tuesday, March 14

Homage to the easily impressed

this is a classic post in which i'm only writing words here because i wanted to have a post titled as above. so, what can i come up with? i'm wondering if looking off to my right is always how i try to come up with ideas.

haha, now i'm thinking it would have been funny if i would have started a post i was taking seriously, with the opening phrase, 'this is a classic post...'. heh, yeah, that's legendary.
steve's here

2 $BlogItemCommentCount$:

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Lou said…

    What's up man. I hope the hiking trip happens, I'm available during the summer for a short while but I think I could only to a local camping trip. Glendale perhaps. I posted something also. I'll talk to you soon.

  • At 6:18 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    damn sorry about new york man. you and jeff have fun?

    actually, this morning i just opened a personal ready cash thingy at the bank = $1650 if i need it for taxes. freaking 11% interest, but i can pay it off whenever. so hopefully money will start pouring in in a few months. we'll see. what about hiking somewhere in NY? or i guess when you're not home (here) you're working. i don't know. but, and i always wanted to too, adam always wanted to hike maine or vermont, as he had before. but if none of these things with you, definitely glendale no matter what - even though steve and i have beverage warnings there. ha! a different story.



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