One Year = New Lame Title
Wait. I'm going to go put a chew in first. I've noticed that tobacco can be as addicting as Deadwood. Yikes.
Oh. Blogger now saves my drafts automatically. ...
hmm, when did i start with the capitalizing. people will start thinking i make over 20k
so. how can i sum up the last year without - i don't feel like finishing this sentence
how bout this. any mental illness i used to mention is mostly submissed. i'm left with just a small case of claustrophobia that i can now handle. it still comes in movie theaters and church and cars i'm not driving and places where people give speeches.
i gave my brother's best man speech. i also now how my first nephew.
ok. so now, i feel like having fun.
i was watching the philosophical blockbuster, Stealth, last night, TNT presents, and they mentioned prime numbers and then the holy trinity. something neat clicked for a second. like, mathematics might not be inherently predictable, but that our inherent ability to predict things chose mathematics to be its cornerstone. it's a ridiculous idea. but it threw into question for me the beginnings of thought. the 'nature' of the things comes to mind.
if you look at the absurdity that life exists, would it be absurd to believe that life exists after life? i find myself often forgetting to focus on the miracle of existence. yet it's such a comfort. it's the be-all to faith in an afterlife. and whether or not it happens, it's something to believe in.
this is the kind of thinking a business owner needs to have possession of. you can't deal with people all day without faith. the energy of fitting in the moment without question. the past years of forcing alienation of myself and then back again let's me know that what i was before was at least as amazing as what i'd become, and more suited to myself, as that was what i learned to be at first. but i have no idea what thinking deeply will be now. i see it coming in a few aspects lately. it's building and i've seen it building and i pray it will be. i can envision myself progressing to a point where i can't imagine being specifically, but only ideally. i know it's ideal because it's what i used to envision. and i think that will finally be progress in the real. not that i didn't need these backup wonderings and quantifyings of the past years.
it's fun to rationalize. everything i ever do, i'll naturally decide got me to where i am. and though i can imagine that now it's just a different feeling talking about my life, i don't feel the need to question that. i'll just follow my own reasoning though it could be argued against. but i'll put my efforts into arguing for it.
well, so. i'm not happy with this post in any way for the public, but it's one of those mental meanderings that really just means to me. and when i point back to where it started, i'll start here. where others might point elsewhere, nominally, later on. i hope!
Oh. Blogger now saves my drafts automatically. ...
hmm, when did i start with the capitalizing. people will start thinking i make over 20k
so. how can i sum up the last year without - i don't feel like finishing this sentence
how bout this. any mental illness i used to mention is mostly submissed. i'm left with just a small case of claustrophobia that i can now handle. it still comes in movie theaters and church and cars i'm not driving and places where people give speeches.
i gave my brother's best man speech. i also now how my first nephew.
ok. so now, i feel like having fun.
i was watching the philosophical blockbuster, Stealth, last night, TNT presents, and they mentioned prime numbers and then the holy trinity. something neat clicked for a second. like, mathematics might not be inherently predictable, but that our inherent ability to predict things chose mathematics to be its cornerstone. it's a ridiculous idea. but it threw into question for me the beginnings of thought. the 'nature' of the things comes to mind.
if you look at the absurdity that life exists, would it be absurd to believe that life exists after life? i find myself often forgetting to focus on the miracle of existence. yet it's such a comfort. it's the be-all to faith in an afterlife. and whether or not it happens, it's something to believe in.
this is the kind of thinking a business owner needs to have possession of. you can't deal with people all day without faith. the energy of fitting in the moment without question. the past years of forcing alienation of myself and then back again let's me know that what i was before was at least as amazing as what i'd become, and more suited to myself, as that was what i learned to be at first. but i have no idea what thinking deeply will be now. i see it coming in a few aspects lately. it's building and i've seen it building and i pray it will be. i can envision myself progressing to a point where i can't imagine being specifically, but only ideally. i know it's ideal because it's what i used to envision. and i think that will finally be progress in the real. not that i didn't need these backup wonderings and quantifyings of the past years.
it's fun to rationalize. everything i ever do, i'll naturally decide got me to where i am. and though i can imagine that now it's just a different feeling talking about my life, i don't feel the need to question that. i'll just follow my own reasoning though it could be argued against. but i'll put my efforts into arguing for it.
well, so. i'm not happy with this post in any way for the public, but it's one of those mental meanderings that really just means to me. and when i point back to where it started, i'll start here. where others might point elsewhere, nominally, later on. i hope!
7 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 7:38 PM,
Unknown said…
Fascinating. Do you know, as someone who blames religion at least twice a week (Sunday and Monday) for leaving me naked and open to Dark Existentialist canings which only serve to send me spinning in a centerless room without either exit sign nor toilet, I'm ashamed that I've never had the presence of mind to consider that our bizarre chance existence should only warrant our belief in one beyond it?
Probably it's I don't read enough.
At 8:45 PM,
chad was marco said…
should at least warrant
peace, na-jeese
At 3:00 AM,
Kully said…
OH my goodness! You've made a post. You know what is freakish, I was just going through some old posts on my blog, and rereading comments you had made, and thought to myself, I wonder if Chad has made a post yet?? And WOWZERS you had! It was very exciting for me...I've actually had quite a few freakish occasions like this today. Anyways I'm happy to see you posting again!
PS This is Caitlin by the way...
At 12:43 PM,
chad was marco said…
let me know if you don't get my comment on your site. i always have problems there heh
alright, skinny
At 2:47 PM,
Unknown said… more thoughts, then?
At 7:30 PM,
Olivia Meiring said…
is that feb 2008? we need you chad! okay, wait, less pressure. we want you chad. we want you.
At 9:39 AM,
ClickNathan said…
Hello, my name is Nathan P. Commentson. May I please speak to Chad HW Where'sthebeef?
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