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Thursday, January 4

i hear a lot about people wondering about what the meaning of life is. well, not a lot about it, but as we all know, there's talk about it. it occured to me last night that i've never actually wondered the question and only have tilted my mind towards it once it was brought up externally. it just doesn't seem relevant. i think the only reason i'd ever have to wonder the question was if i lost all feelings. bad feelings make you desire them to be gone. good feelings make you desire to keep getting them.

thanks to nathan's persistence, and, the facts, i now worry about global warming.

don't give me any thoughts about forgetting my feelings and worrying about others. i've never felt better when i've practiced that idea. the facts are in the feelings.

so the meaning of life doesn't matter because feelings are more important than that question, thus being a round-a-bout way of saying that feelings are the meaning of life.

but what about exisitence. if the human race is destroyed in 50 years, how narrow-minded that idea would be. or not? i'd die with everyone else, and i'd die thinking 'well, that wasn't too bad. in fact, quite enjoyable.'

a good life.

unless of course there's a tangeable afterlife where sir god would be angry at me for not standing up for mother earth.

hmm, maybe i'm starting to wonder whether or not i hope there really is an afterlife.

anyway, there is a battle going on. it's between good and evil, and in this war, the two sides are quite distinguishable.

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