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Thursday, May 11

(imagine some kind of circus-y banjo-y song)

man, i'm all messed up.

i'm at work.

are those fucking gross skinny cats from heathcliff supposed to represent people on fucking acid?

like, i swear, i think i just freaked this guy out by talking to him all weird and acting all spacey. i can't get out of awkward situations like usual. like, that guy. i was walking back to help out some other guy who i was trying help before the phone rang. this transition too was awkward. i'd start answering the phone while still trying to give this guy a general idea of where this buffet was. basically it was just confusion. then, after the phone call, i tried walking back, as i was saying, to help the guy, when the guy i was first talking about came into the store. the old guy, that i was walking back to help, noticed me coming back to him and turned to accept my help. but i greeted the guy coming in, in an incorrect fashion. in a way that led him to asking for my help immediately. my thoughts were, hmm, i should be helping the other guy, but i'm fucked up and couldn't figure out how to explain that. and so i went with the flow and thought, well, maybe i can help this guy that just came in quickly. but then the guy started asking in depth questions, and then he misunderstood me about something about corner cabinets or curios, and then i jerkedly explained to him that i'm sorry, but i was helping this other gentleman before you came in, or something rediculous like that. the guy left seconds later.


and then this phone call. it was some kind of fact checking agency for businesses or something. they acted like the kind of people you would just hang up on, but they weren't. she wanted to confirm our business's name, but i kept just thinking how much i wanted to hang up on her and not deal with anything. she repeated the spelling of our store like 5 times and i kept acting confused, which i kind of was, and then the old guy from the last story came up to buy something. so i wanted to explain to the lady on the phone that i was busy and had a customer, but all that kept coming out of my mouth was 'you're going to have to get back to me' i said it at least three times in a weird, business-voice tone, that didn't make any sense in the situation. and she was like, telling me that it would only take a minute, but then i just fucking hung up, and started an odd interaction with the old guy, who can't hear well at all, and i could never figure out how loud i needed to talk for him to hear me, and i kept altering my volume in wide ranges to where people around the store probably thought i was fucking nuts

and holy shit.......

space cowboy
someone called the store here a minute ago. some

7 $BlogItemCommentCount$:

  • At 12:52 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    i could see myself knocking over a china cabinet today

  • At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    too bad there wasn't some sort of sequence of letters to indicate laughing.

    heathcliff...do you get that on your cable or something?

    wait, do you get cable at work?

    wait, what massive loan (from a previous email)? so are you buying that store?

    wait, hahahahahahah. there that's it.

    it sounds like you were presented with a challenge, the "two customer plus phone call" challenge, I think it's called.

    it usually requires a stern establishment of who's running the show. "Old guy, I'll be with you in one moment, you're old, and so you've been waiting a long time, you'll understand."

    "New guy, please fill out this old Sheetz order form and I'll get back to you."

    "Phone lady, hi, how you doin'?"

    There, that should've handled it.

    Also, "Sorry, I'm on break" works for most situations.

  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    hahaha, yeah, those were all the sorts of things i would have said, but couldn't think of because my head was too hungover at the moment. hmm, did i mention a loan in there? i'll go see and if it seems important, i'll post another comment, word verification and all

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    oh, a previous post. gotcha. hmm, i don't remember what i said back then. i'll go look and if it's interesting enough to comment about, i'll be back.

    and heathcliff...he just bothers me, and when i'm in a bad, bothered mood, sometimes i think about how much heathcliff bothers me. those cats seem so dirty and hatable.

  • At 5:06 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    hmm, can't find that loan mention. doesn't matter. i guess i can just say that i meant the loan about paying my taxes, not for buying the store.

    and thought that's not that interesting, just wanted to say that on the other hand, i like garfield.

    you know, he's kind of like me. hates spiders and all. you know, like me.

    ps. he also hates raisins. that's cool.

  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    hey moth, where you been?

    yeah, gotta agree that garfield's not really the coolest character. more, i liked the cartoon when compared to heathcliff.

    so, see any tom cruise running sequences lately?

  • At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    spy story


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