babe britney's hubby seen with ex-girlfriend!
never feeling inspired to load up on my dial-up connection at home and being lucky to get 10 minute customer-less stretches, as opposed to a year ago hour long ones, i just never end up writing anything and when i do, it's in such a rush (or, ironically - or is it expectedly - like right now, i get interrupted in the middle of sentences) that i can't have any fun while writing. so it's fallen out of favor.
but anyway, i have grand theft auto san andreas, but i only play it when anthony comes over. it's common for us to make a 6 hour day out of it. so here's a taste of how variable and unpredictable the game is.
i come out of an ammunation one day and start jogging up a hill in san fiero (san francisco) to grab a car when i hear all kinds of explosions behind me. i figured a cop had gotten into a shoot-out with some gang member and that the gunfire must have blown up a car and started a chain-reaction of other cars blowing up. but when i raced down to get into the action, there sat the charred wreckage of an airplane in the middle of the street.
you'll notice airplanes flying around above you fairly often, but this was my first experience with one crashing down into the street while i was around. well, i think i saw this happen at least once more before the event i'm about to relay took place.
so, anthony's on a mission on a large cargo boat and just slips by what we thought was the final opposition with almost no health left. to our dismay, our character is told to go to the front of the boat where (we're shown a cut-scene) some ninja swinging around a samurai sword is awaiting our challenge. anthony looks around for some health or armor pickups, but none are found. so he climbs these crates - back to where he started - and before he climbs down the other side, he looks up and we can see a red marker over the samurai-guy up in the cab? of the ship. all of the sudden, from out of the dark starry sky, a giant airplane barrels down and explodes directly into the mission's final boss, killing him and earning us mission-ending rewards. anthony and i told ourselves that that was definitely not supposed to happen and that the plane crashing into the guy was just rediculously dumb-luck coincidence, but i could hardly actually believe that. so i went to and looked up the mission to see if there was anything about a plane crash killing some boss. here's what i found:
but anyway, i have grand theft auto san andreas, but i only play it when anthony comes over. it's common for us to make a 6 hour day out of it. so here's a taste of how variable and unpredictable the game is.
i come out of an ammunation one day and start jogging up a hill in san fiero (san francisco) to grab a car when i hear all kinds of explosions behind me. i figured a cop had gotten into a shoot-out with some gang member and that the gunfire must have blown up a car and started a chain-reaction of other cars blowing up. but when i raced down to get into the action, there sat the charred wreckage of an airplane in the middle of the street.
you'll notice airplanes flying around above you fairly often, but this was my first experience with one crashing down into the street while i was around. well, i think i saw this happen at least once more before the event i'm about to relay took place.
so, anthony's on a mission on a large cargo boat and just slips by what we thought was the final opposition with almost no health left. to our dismay, our character is told to go to the front of the boat where (we're shown a cut-scene) some ninja swinging around a samurai sword is awaiting our challenge. anthony looks around for some health or armor pickups, but none are found. so he climbs these crates - back to where he started - and before he climbs down the other side, he looks up and we can see a red marker over the samurai-guy up in the cab? of the ship. all of the sudden, from out of the dark starry sky, a giant airplane barrels down and explodes directly into the mission's final boss, killing him and earning us mission-ending rewards. anthony and i told ourselves that that was definitely not supposed to happen and that the plane crashing into the guy was just rediculously dumb-luck coincidence, but i could hardly actually believe that. so i went to and looked up the mission to see if there was anything about a plane crash killing some boss. here's what i found:
They will tell you to go kill Snakehead on the bridge. Make your way back
to and up the hole you came down, and head over the boxes you haven't been
over yet. There are a
few guys left - one in the doorway to the bridge area, and two more in the
stairwell. When you reach the bridge, Snakehead tosses you a sword. Lock
on with L1, and hit Circle. If your muscles are still hign, you should
take him out with a swing or two. Once he's out of the way, make your way
back to the hole in the deck, and head towards the refugees standing
near the railing. They will lower all of you into boats, and this mission
is done. (LINK)
so, ...
7 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 6:48 PM,
Lou said…
An airplane falling from the sky to defeat a ninja who is waiting for you, all in plain view. That moment must have been insane. I wish I was there for the feeling. Is this a one in a million thing? You might be on to something, and I think you should let someone know about this, maybe someone in the videogame industry or some major website. Thoughts?
At 1:09 PM,
ClickNathan said…
I personally think of Chad's blog as a "major website" so I think he's already done that.
Though informing the industry is always a safe bet.
I was playing Ultimate Spiderman today and, while playing under the guise of the supervillain Venom, I grabbed the bad girl boss I was fighting, threw her around, and she landed on top of a taxi cab which proceeded "out of bounds" of where the fight was supposed to be taking place. So since characters aren't allowed out of bounds but the taxi was, the bad girl just left the fight and I was standing around, all badass and Venomy, with nothing to do and unable to go anywhere.
I committed suicide by smashing cars and letting their explosions explode my life meter down...
At 1:44 PM,
chad was marco said…
hahaha, thanks for the compliment.
yes, lou, pal, it was pretty insane. but too much so that i couldn't quite believe it until i looked it up and confirmed it thusly. the neat thing about you shortening 'million' to 'mill' in your fourth sentence, 'is this a one in a mill thing,' is that now it's so closely akin phonetically yet so contradictory in meaning to the common phrase 'run of the mill'.
damnit, i just realized it doesn't say 'one in a mill,' but 'one in a mill on'
ok, so it was just a typo. but i heard that einstein got ideas for his best ideas by reading typos by his transcribers.
ok, enough wasted time.
man, is it funny that i can so totally relate to your needing to find a way to commit suicide in a game that's glitched in a way.
lou, what do you mean by '(i'm) on to something'? i don't feel like re-reading my post, so...
all i can think is that what happened wasn't supposed to happen, and my link proved it and anthony eye-witnessed it.
thanks folks.
and hal, thanks for the fruit baskets you send every day. but, just so you know, unlike you, i don't grieve for each and every death that takes place in the world.
At 9:59 PM,
Salomé said…
Chad, it saddens me to learn that you, like me, have taken such a huge break from blogging. What made me want to come back to your blog time after time was the uniqueness of your style. You would write about normal life events and make them seem like scenes from film noir. Bring it back, my brother. It inspires me.
At 2:28 PM,
chad was marco said…
heh, thanks sis. you have a flair for flattery. there is little i respond to more. or something. hope to see us writing again soon..
At 9:53 PM,
ClickNathan said…
a month is a long time to be gone. there are moments in a man's life when he felt a longing sadness for blogging - not just for the reading and writing of stories, but for the chance to get something written and the various exploratory stages that you might find yourself in...the different attitudes and perceptions you'd get from people, and the conversational gravy train that blogs ride in on when we meet eachother in the real world.
I don't know if I need more distraction or less of it.
At 2:27 AM,
chad was marco said…
and clicknathan is always the one getting off that train singing the catch phrase of your latest thoughts, in the letting of you know that none has gone to waste and that you, yes you, personally, have been worth it.
thanks for being even more than you here represent,
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