tonight, eh?
happened during a horrible, great, horrible night with steve, drunk in altoona. at least, towards the beginning, we walked into the Hampton, and steve said, watch, this will be funny, and i followed him to the lady behind the counter where he said, 'we were supposed to meet some friends here at the bar,' and she said, 'we don't have a bar,' hahaha, and then we acted like we were confused, and asked if maybe we were thinking of the Hilton, which she said wasn't one in Altoona, so then she suggested the Ramada, and we were like, 'hmm, yeah, maybe,' sort of, and then as we walked out we said things like, 'jolly good,' and 'i'll recommend this place to others,' etc.
true story.
also, other shit happened, like when we went to the ramada and no one was there so we walked around and looked in unlocked doors etc.
but then the bars we did go to backfired, you know?
so, that was tonight.
true story.
also, other shit happened, like when we went to the ramada and no one was there so we walked around and looked in unlocked doors etc.
but then the bars we did go to backfired, you know?
so, that was tonight.
3 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 3:29 AM,
chad was marco said…
not to mention that we stayed in the furniture store tonight.
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wish I was there, and this is Lou.
At 10:46 PM,
chad was marco said…
yes, you do.
and word, nice to hear from you. hey, i've got a post in the works that mentions some more from that night. it'll probably premier this sunday around 2 or 5 eastern. it isn't the main subject but you'll get to hear steve's best pickup line ever. it has something to do with air hockey, and it has something to do with a lie about us being world champs, and it has something to do with girls not laughing at him and pointing after he said it.
boy, now even i can't wait to read it.
so.., doug should be in any minute now. tonight will have something to do with fight night 3, an 80" flatscreen, an xbox 360, 2 wireless controllers, jim, beam, and who knows, maybe marcus.
see you soon?
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