a last bit of sickness from the weekend the steelers won the super bowl
tragedy is taking a pessimistic view. tragedy increases as circumstances make holding the pessimistic view more and more unrealistic and irrational.
i heard an old couple saying today about how they're too old to give each other a hard time anymore. i don't know. i don't think there's a good reason to do much in life. most things people do aren't worth anything. people manipulate each other into doing things like this. and if you want to be good at useless things, you need to create a way to motivate yourself to do them for some reason. you might get jane from accounting if you get that promotion, etc.
succeed in capitalism and it will reward you with sex and love, eh?
that old couple? they don't argue anymore.
then again, my job knows what's best for me. i like myself when i'm at work, after work, before work. i get a strong taste of what i used to be like once i come back to work after a four day weekend like this last - where i sleep on floors and drink entire days. there's so much hesitation. then there's explanation for the hesitation. the explanation always carries within it an excuse for not acting.
interacting with people is a weird thing. people are a weird thing to the contemplative brain. introspective thinking can only work with what's already there. it can't understand what isn't there. interacting with people is non-simulatable (that might be the favorite word i've ever used/made up. just rolls off the tongue) to a person that is thinking.
when two people start to interact, it's like a ball of energy appears in between them. then, the two people start to play around with the ball, tugging it back and forth, flipping it high into the air, hiding it behind their backs. i'm good at all of these games (relatively) when i'm who i am at work. it's fun.
when i get back to work after four days off of smoking apples and mario kart double dash/bacardi O, i'm ashamed or something and i want to hide from almost everyone's games. about the only thing i can do is talk to this old guy about sports facts or sum up other people's opinions on sports.
my introverted personality waits for a miracle. good feelings are so vaguely distant that you have to come up with an extravagant miracle to feel anything. what you really feel is the same feeling that my extroverted personality feels when thinking about the recent exchange with the lady at the drive-through or the dog at shulie's house. extroverted-man commits miracles at ease.
i like all of my selves but i'm not sure if some of them have to disappear or not.
i have all of the answers even if the answer is 'don't worry' when i'm happy. that makes it hard to write. i only like to write about things i don't know for sure. happiness guy doesn't worry about things like that. he's too busy using his energy to smile and to stay prepared for the next interaction. he wouldn't get curiously anxious about what it means that that old couple doesn't give each other a hard time anymore. he'd think, 'well, that sounds just about right.'
i heard an old couple saying today about how they're too old to give each other a hard time anymore. i don't know. i don't think there's a good reason to do much in life. most things people do aren't worth anything. people manipulate each other into doing things like this. and if you want to be good at useless things, you need to create a way to motivate yourself to do them for some reason. you might get jane from accounting if you get that promotion, etc.
succeed in capitalism and it will reward you with sex and love, eh?
that old couple? they don't argue anymore.
then again, my job knows what's best for me. i like myself when i'm at work, after work, before work. i get a strong taste of what i used to be like once i come back to work after a four day weekend like this last - where i sleep on floors and drink entire days. there's so much hesitation. then there's explanation for the hesitation. the explanation always carries within it an excuse for not acting.
interacting with people is a weird thing. people are a weird thing to the contemplative brain. introspective thinking can only work with what's already there. it can't understand what isn't there. interacting with people is non-simulatable (that might be the favorite word i've ever used/made up. just rolls off the tongue) to a person that is thinking.
when two people start to interact, it's like a ball of energy appears in between them. then, the two people start to play around with the ball, tugging it back and forth, flipping it high into the air, hiding it behind their backs. i'm good at all of these games (relatively) when i'm who i am at work. it's fun.
when i get back to work after four days off of smoking apples and mario kart double dash/bacardi O, i'm ashamed or something and i want to hide from almost everyone's games. about the only thing i can do is talk to this old guy about sports facts or sum up other people's opinions on sports.
my introverted personality waits for a miracle. good feelings are so vaguely distant that you have to come up with an extravagant miracle to feel anything. what you really feel is the same feeling that my extroverted personality feels when thinking about the recent exchange with the lady at the drive-through or the dog at shulie's house. extroverted-man commits miracles at ease.
i like all of my selves but i'm not sure if some of them have to disappear or not.
i have all of the answers even if the answer is 'don't worry' when i'm happy. that makes it hard to write. i only like to write about things i don't know for sure. happiness guy doesn't worry about things like that. he's too busy using his energy to smile and to stay prepared for the next interaction. he wouldn't get curiously anxious about what it means that that old couple doesn't give each other a hard time anymore. he'd think, 'well, that sounds just about right.'
4 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 10:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
what's up. I just got back watching Underword Evolution with my roomate. I would never pay money at the box office to see it but I've been dodging his attempts to see it and I've been bored today so I said what the hell. I get home, plan on going to bed, first I turn on my computer, read Chad's blog, and feel compelled to write. So -
I am sorry you feel certain things stated, at the same time I want things to be done about it. I can relate about the sentiment - why do anything? But really, I haven't come back to that thought for some time and I don't agree much with it anymore. Certain routines I've become accustomed to, walking down the same street, entering the same doors, talking to the same people, being bitched at by the same kind of people; a routine has sucked me in so many times in the past seven months it can be quite discouraging.
And then yes, something new in life (most commonly a new face or friendship), engendering a more extroverted me, quickly enters and exits. Most of the time I see it going, going, gone.
Then you look at the whole picture. There is so much in the world, stories, experiences, places, feelings, people. I feel down on myself when I believe I'm missing the boat when it's all in front of me. But shit, just trying to be a part of it all, and getting a taste, it's really quite nice. Most of the time when I feel I'm "getting some life", is accidental. I was in a corner deli store yesterday to get coffee before the bus, pissy mood, tired, and I missed breakfast. I grab what I need, I'm about to shove the door open, and then the door flowed open as soon as I approached it. This fifty something guy, shaggy appearance, someone I would never notice walking down the street, held it open for me, said "good morning, sir", and gave me a smile that blew me away. The kindness was so out of place, so unexpected, but wasted? Fuck no. This guy's kindness was pouring out of him. He'll never remember me, but I think that's how so many of these instances work. Then I realized that's why I give a shit.
I'm not making any assumptions or trying to explain how life can be. After the last short story, you might think "yes you are." Well maybe it comes off that way, but life seems so variable and absurd there is no way I could even try.
Where am I going with all this? Alright, it seemed as if the routine is killing, those four day vacations bring guilt, and the bigger picture based on the routine and vacation time isn't much better.
Ok I just read the post again to see how far off I really am - I'm kind of off but just bear with me.
I don't know man. I'd step back. Yes it's an "interaction", maybe a game with energy, fluctuating with different "games". Step back. It's two people. Your life and their's, everything you are and know, sharing life with everything they are and know in our world. Go with it, if it feels natural that's great, if it doesn't flow, it doesn't flow. There have been moments in the past year where I didn't even know how I got up here or why it all happened. But lately just knowing it's out there and trying to become part of it, regardless of the outcome, it feels good. Shit, man I really lost train of thought in the past ten minutes.
I'm guessing I didn't hit on what you might have been trying to get across. I'm not really sure what I was trying to get at, as usual.....just wanted to say hello.
At 12:39 PM,
chad was marco said…
i'll guess lou. if i'm wrong, sorry, if i'm right, sorry i wasn't sure.
believe me, i don't know what i'm saying. but i certainly enjoy hearing what people think i'm saying because i like to hear their thoughts on unsurety. i don't feel i have a problem that needs corrected about unsurety because i only write here much when i'm in a depressed mood but know that it will soon pass. it's part of my coping mechanism, i'd say. however, i have a bad knack of pointing out the trick. i have a problem with the idea 'no questions asked.' sometimes knowing the exact truth of something means to kill it and not let it take place. and always, it is better to let it take place because the reason for it is the experience and not because there was some other point to it that a brain could figure out before it happened. so yeah, exactly, i'm aware that i don't live by the motto of why do anything but just in that mood that was the kind of thing that comes out. and that's the kind of way i want other people to talk to me. like you just talked to me. and like recent other anonymouses. so maybe we could keep in mind that just because i indirectly lead someone to believe something about me and then when they're sure that's how i am but then when they say so i immediately and adamantly demand that that's not it i'm sure of it, that maybe that is it, i just have a very strong defensive wall. just like talking very complicatedly about something very simple. so yo, late
At 4:50 PM,
ClickNathan said…
maybe i'll be allowed to comment today.
after any event that involves me drinking (which inevitably leads to me drinking too much) i spend the next two days feeling strange, foolish, ashamed of things i said or did.
had i said them in sobriety, i don't think that i'd have felt as ashamed or even necessarily remembered them.
i think what i most dislike about getting drunk is the sudden feeling of memories and recognition rushing back in from a long period of downtime.
like a computer turned on after a weekend of being shut down and suddenly realizing that it has a virus.
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, the first post was me. I might have come off a bit extreme, reflecting my mood as well. I tried to get across the fact that I was probably missing the mark, I think there was frustration and some thoughtful conversation building up inside and it had to come out. Maybe I should these posts through a bit more, or maybe I need to hang out with you guys soon. By the way, President's Day weekend, it's on....
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