imagine that until you put a star-shaped item into a star-shaped hole you won't get a drink of water. also, you've been blindfolded and will be shot if you try to take it off. also, you've had one arm securely tied behind your back.
you stand in front of a wall 25 yards long and 6 feet high. there are tens of thousands of rectangular holes in the wall in a scattered formation. you are told there is one hole that is star-shaped. your throat already hurts a lot to swallow.
already, you have slowly and methodically worked you way down the wall and tried every hole. you could not fit the star-shaped item into any of the holes. you are assured there is a hole in the wall that is star-shaped by your best friend's voice, who may or may not be held at gun-point, obviously. ok, so you will try again. and again and again. but there's a catch. if it is determined that at any time you show a hint of frustration, you will be shot. also, your captors are watching a baseball game and every time someone gets on base you have to take three steps to your right and continue searching from there.
i'm sorry, this so stupid, obviously, but because of the greatness of winning eleven 8, winning eleven 9 is the worst game ever.
over and over and over i want to scream in frustration but i calm myself and think 'patience' and remember how much fun 8 was and that it will come in time.
problem is, i really think it won't. i think the game is ruined. problem is, i always think that it's my approach to the game that is wrong. the last game, i could almost play with my eyes closed because i'd learned the patterns so well. and it was so great of a game because even if i played perfectly i could lose here or there against great teams but could win properly 4-0 or so against worse teams. this game, however, appears to have no patterns.
so, of course, perhaps it's just because 8's patterns are so ingrained into my head and reactions. very possible. but...I HATE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!
ok, so, also, maybe you just need to get the best players. maybe. but i have what i would consider very close 2nd level players. things don't look good.
first, the defenders aggression has doubled. on it's own, i would welcome this. second, crossing accuracy has decreased from ~90% to ~25%. this is not welcome. third, dribbling has some new animations. these animations range from being ones that make the player look uncoordinated to making him act as if he has all the time in the world. and this is without using any buttons, just using the analog and pressing it right or down, etc. it is four times harder to dribble past a defender and twice as hard to just fucking dribble. fourth, shooting accuracy has decreased from ~70% to ~30%. fifth, the 'super cancel' action has nearly become impossible to activate. what the super cancel does is allow you to control your player as normal in situations where the computer would normally take over like when your player is chasing a loose ball, the computer would constrict you to the straightest possible line to intersect the ball, but perhaps, you want to run past the ball and come around at it so that you intersect it from the opposite side, or, as another example, the computer sets you up for a header at mid-field but you notice that the opponent has better position on you, therefore, you super cancel and try to get in front of him. well, this is almost impossible to activate anymore. sixth, and maybe the most frustrating of all:
last year, this was also frustrating. there's an option to let the computer change players for you. the computer would then constantly be switching you to the player that it determined was the best player for you to control, the one closest to the action probably, or the one best able to make a play. obviously i would turn this off. however, beyond any reasoning, sometimes the computer would still auto-switch my player. this invariably would completely fuck me up. i'd already be reacting one way with the player i was controlling and then my player would switch and i'd end up running the player i was switched to completely out of the way the wrong way. well, this has increased by 5 times this year. i should almost just put the auto switch on and get used to it. also, and this never happened last year, but this year, many many times i'm switched to a player that's waiting for a ball while a player i wasn't switched to runs past the ball and was obviously closer to it. so maybe i try to switch to him but then it's too late and then the guy i previously was now gets all confused and also misses the ball, etc.
i can't explain how annoying this all is. and mostly because i play longer than default games and because i've had 5 of 11 games end 0-0. it'd be ok if i was getting crushed. i'd know i had a lot to work on or could lower the difficulty. thing is, i'm at 3 stars. last year i'dplay the max which was 6stars. this year, i completely dominate the entire game. basically the computer is so bad on three stars offensively that they lose the ball if they come in my end. to compensate, they pass it around their end as if we really are going to play for 90 fucking minutes. so, the games consist of me frantically trying to get the ball back off of them in their own end until they finally cross mid field where they lose possession immediately and i try for the millionth time to figure out some fucking way to score a goal.
the ways to score last year:
cross the ball from the side.
dribble your way around for an open shot just outside the box.
pass into the box and turn and shoot.
head in a corner.
score a break away.
TROUGHPASSTHROUGHPASS - the best way to score
so, for this year, crosses and headers are impossible, nearly.
dribbling is very very difficult and i only succeed becuase i get lucky, not because i put on a good move
throughPASSES have been completely altered so that they will almost never set up a scoring chance
it is so fucking frustrating. i keep playing and try to stay calm
ok, here's a little description of the crosses. most of the time, i cross the ball and no one goes for it and it just bounces on through the box and finally out of bounds. same with corners. so many times the forwards just don't even go towards the ball. and so many times im forced to contro a guy that isn't anywhere near the cross and so i switch and then it makes the guy i switch to stop running and tehn the ball rolls out of bounds for their throwin etc.
you stand in front of a wall 25 yards long and 6 feet high. there are tens of thousands of rectangular holes in the wall in a scattered formation. you are told there is one hole that is star-shaped. your throat already hurts a lot to swallow.
already, you have slowly and methodically worked you way down the wall and tried every hole. you could not fit the star-shaped item into any of the holes. you are assured there is a hole in the wall that is star-shaped by your best friend's voice, who may or may not be held at gun-point, obviously. ok, so you will try again. and again and again. but there's a catch. if it is determined that at any time you show a hint of frustration, you will be shot. also, your captors are watching a baseball game and every time someone gets on base you have to take three steps to your right and continue searching from there.
i'm sorry, this so stupid, obviously, but because of the greatness of winning eleven 8, winning eleven 9 is the worst game ever.
over and over and over i want to scream in frustration but i calm myself and think 'patience' and remember how much fun 8 was and that it will come in time.
problem is, i really think it won't. i think the game is ruined. problem is, i always think that it's my approach to the game that is wrong. the last game, i could almost play with my eyes closed because i'd learned the patterns so well. and it was so great of a game because even if i played perfectly i could lose here or there against great teams but could win properly 4-0 or so against worse teams. this game, however, appears to have no patterns.
so, of course, perhaps it's just because 8's patterns are so ingrained into my head and reactions. very possible. but...I HATE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!
ok, so, also, maybe you just need to get the best players. maybe. but i have what i would consider very close 2nd level players. things don't look good.
first, the defenders aggression has doubled. on it's own, i would welcome this. second, crossing accuracy has decreased from ~90% to ~25%. this is not welcome. third, dribbling has some new animations. these animations range from being ones that make the player look uncoordinated to making him act as if he has all the time in the world. and this is without using any buttons, just using the analog and pressing it right or down, etc. it is four times harder to dribble past a defender and twice as hard to just fucking dribble. fourth, shooting accuracy has decreased from ~70% to ~30%. fifth, the 'super cancel' action has nearly become impossible to activate. what the super cancel does is allow you to control your player as normal in situations where the computer would normally take over like when your player is chasing a loose ball, the computer would constrict you to the straightest possible line to intersect the ball, but perhaps, you want to run past the ball and come around at it so that you intersect it from the opposite side, or, as another example, the computer sets you up for a header at mid-field but you notice that the opponent has better position on you, therefore, you super cancel and try to get in front of him. well, this is almost impossible to activate anymore. sixth, and maybe the most frustrating of all:
last year, this was also frustrating. there's an option to let the computer change players for you. the computer would then constantly be switching you to the player that it determined was the best player for you to control, the one closest to the action probably, or the one best able to make a play. obviously i would turn this off. however, beyond any reasoning, sometimes the computer would still auto-switch my player. this invariably would completely fuck me up. i'd already be reacting one way with the player i was controlling and then my player would switch and i'd end up running the player i was switched to completely out of the way the wrong way. well, this has increased by 5 times this year. i should almost just put the auto switch on and get used to it. also, and this never happened last year, but this year, many many times i'm switched to a player that's waiting for a ball while a player i wasn't switched to runs past the ball and was obviously closer to it. so maybe i try to switch to him but then it's too late and then the guy i previously was now gets all confused and also misses the ball, etc.
i can't explain how annoying this all is. and mostly because i play longer than default games and because i've had 5 of 11 games end 0-0. it'd be ok if i was getting crushed. i'd know i had a lot to work on or could lower the difficulty. thing is, i'm at 3 stars. last year i'dplay the max which was 6stars. this year, i completely dominate the entire game. basically the computer is so bad on three stars offensively that they lose the ball if they come in my end. to compensate, they pass it around their end as if we really are going to play for 90 fucking minutes. so, the games consist of me frantically trying to get the ball back off of them in their own end until they finally cross mid field where they lose possession immediately and i try for the millionth time to figure out some fucking way to score a goal.
the ways to score last year:
cross the ball from the side.
dribble your way around for an open shot just outside the box.
pass into the box and turn and shoot.
head in a corner.
score a break away.
TROUGHPASSTHROUGHPASS - the best way to score
so, for this year, crosses and headers are impossible, nearly.
dribbling is very very difficult and i only succeed becuase i get lucky, not because i put on a good move
throughPASSES have been completely altered so that they will almost never set up a scoring chance
it is so fucking frustrating. i keep playing and try to stay calm
ok, here's a little description of the crosses. most of the time, i cross the ball and no one goes for it and it just bounces on through the box and finally out of bounds. same with corners. so many times the forwards just don't even go towards the ball. and so many times im forced to contro a guy that isn't anywhere near the cross and so i switch and then it makes the guy i switch to stop running and tehn the ball rolls out of bounds for their throwin etc.
2 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
i've been having the same problems. i'll post on them sometime soon.
At 1:38 PM,
chad was marco said…
hahaha, that was excellent and right on. love the classic simpson's allusions. love your classic cheering with your thumbs analogy. overall comment grade: outstanding comment.
some things:
best way to strip opponent of possession: holding the secondary pressure button. seems like your AI teammates are the only players that can step in and take the ball without fouling. at least, that is, if you haven't had years of practice perhaps.
it seems like most of the game is still the same as last year's with just a few minor downgrades added. but it seems like they've added a new game to that existing one. it's like the old game was like walking around in FF3 (FF6) and the new game can come at you at of nowhere like when in FF3 the screen flashes and you're thrown into a battle. that new game is called 'dribbling near an opponent' in this game. you can still pass up the wings easily and start an attack but in the new game you're forced to win one-on-one battles to get in a position to score. the new, aggressive AI defenders mean that you have to react more to the game than impose your will on the game.
this is the most frustrating thing about the game to me, but it also promises amazing possibilities if you can get good at it. also, that characteristic forces me to get better at the game. let's just hope the the learning curve isn't too hard. (it already almost is)
ps. my word verification was 'jurke'
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