At least I feel the means justified the end, actually.
I'll just have to train myself to be happy. Mr. old guy whistling, who's been walking around here lately, is empatheticlessly letting me know that, since he doesn't have a care left in the world (he's old), he's going to make me feel guilty by not reflecting his happiness back to him. I must be one of those young punks he's heard of, that just isn't cut out for working a business.
heh, not really. so,
I've got great news! No, Esteban didn't teach me how to stroke some cool chords up and down on the fretboard. No, I didn't save a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico (not usually found in my kind of joke). Instead, I just won a lot of games by trading for Fernando Torres! He's personally responsible for 6 goals in 7 regular season games and for 3 goals in two Cup games. Plus, he threw in a nice assist - to boot!
Just a note to anyone else that might be playing, I couldn't have any fun with this game if I wasn't playing in the Master League, so..
Think of it as an RPG maybe, all mixed up with a soccer game!! Or, rather, that's what it is. And I've never played a sports game before where I felt like I knew each one of my individual players so well. They look and play like such individuals. And once the season stretches into two or three, stories build, and you really look to certain players that always seem to step it up when your simulated video game soccer championship title is on the line. etc.
Here's some other Shawn-interest news. Those legendary high school video tapes we made for AP English? Exactly. My mom found the tape, which I still swear I didn't have last, check Doug's maybe, and I watched them this morning. I was positive my brother wasn't home when I started watching them, but I was so embarrassingly screaming with laughter that I had to go check and make sure again. WTholyfuckingfunnyF!
Mostly, I think it was so funny because it was sooo embarrassing, and especially personally. The most embarrassingly funny part was during The Three Amigos where Ryan says 'Dance!' and starts shooting cap gun sounds at our feet, and I, staying in character I guess, start jumping my feet up and down. This could be construed as ok - hey, I'm just acting - until I frantically start motioning for the camera to stop rolling while still jumping up and down. And many other things...
Oh man, Mike Long. 'So, round up your doggies and uh, get em all in a circle around the tv so that you don't miss any of this good fightin' action, ya hear.'
Anyway. Lou? March Madness baby! I might come with Jeff next Thurday through Sunday? Your thoughts. (Except that I'll probably call you today, so)
heh, not really. so,
I've got great news! No, Esteban didn't teach me how to stroke some cool chords up and down on the fretboard. No, I didn't save a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico (not usually found in my kind of joke). Instead, I just won a lot of games by trading for Fernando Torres! He's personally responsible for 6 goals in 7 regular season games and for 3 goals in two Cup games. Plus, he threw in a nice assist - to boot!
Just a note to anyone else that might be playing, I couldn't have any fun with this game if I wasn't playing in the Master League, so..
Think of it as an RPG maybe, all mixed up with a soccer game!! Or, rather, that's what it is. And I've never played a sports game before where I felt like I knew each one of my individual players so well. They look and play like such individuals. And once the season stretches into two or three, stories build, and you really look to certain players that always seem to step it up when your simulated video game soccer championship title is on the line. etc.
Here's some other Shawn-interest news. Those legendary high school video tapes we made for AP English? Exactly. My mom found the tape, which I still swear I didn't have last, check Doug's maybe, and I watched them this morning. I was positive my brother wasn't home when I started watching them, but I was so embarrassingly screaming with laughter that I had to go check and make sure again. WTholyfuckingfunnyF!
Mostly, I think it was so funny because it was sooo embarrassing, and especially personally. The most embarrassingly funny part was during The Three Amigos where Ryan says 'Dance!' and starts shooting cap gun sounds at our feet, and I, staying in character I guess, start jumping my feet up and down. This could be construed as ok - hey, I'm just acting - until I frantically start motioning for the camera to stop rolling while still jumping up and down. And many other things...
Oh man, Mike Long. 'So, round up your doggies and uh, get em all in a circle around the tv so that you don't miss any of this good fightin' action, ya hear.'
Anyway. Lou? March Madness baby! I might come with Jeff next Thurday through Sunday? Your thoughts. (Except that I'll probably call you today, so)
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 12:50 PM,
chad was marco said…
i guess i'm an idiot in a way. i always refer to rpgs as any game where character attributes change over time. i wouldn't call madden an rpg so i can't call winning eleven an rpg. however, it's an amazing franchise mode. i have this 18 year old guy that's probably 7 feet (the game uses some confusing metric system, it says he's like 200 something or others, heh) and has very adequate skill numbers and excellent header stats but he runs around like a moron on the field, breaking the wrong way for passes and never getting in position to use his height and skill in front of the net. however, four or five seasons down the road, he'll come into his own and start ripping up the league. this 'inexperience' must be a hidden statistic or something, or maybe i'm just imagining it.
heh, sorry to bore you with all this. i could go on and on about winning eleven.
anyway. so. you would find these videos funny however. steve as el guapo (esteban) is outstanding. 'Paco! Hold up your hat! Higher! I will shoot his hat.' shawn dies. he dies another time in this one too, as a rough mouthed cowboy gunned down by some blundering germans.
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