barry sanders, my morning jacket, leopards - those kinds of things

yeah, so, next time you catch yourself wishing for what must seem impossible dreams, catch yourself again and think, maybe i should look it up on ebay. just type in what you want and if you're as lucky as me, that impossible dream might come true. i didn't get that particular dvd advertised in that left-justified picture over there because that would just be like a 'you know what would be neat' kind of dream. instead, i found a four-hour dvd of barry sanders running the ball on game day that is taken directly from the fbi-warned nfl property only cbs/fox broadcast television view. so this guy taped these games and then transferred them over to a dvd. and the bestest most dreamed of but most unlooked for part was that he filtered every play to begin at the snap and end just after the tackle if it was a play that featured barry. so basically i get to see every time barry sanders touched the ball and broke a few tackles that day against the bears when he gained say just 80 yards or that day against the eagles when he eluded 8 tacklers but the play was called back because of a holding penalty, etc. so, even more basically, it's like i get to pretend he was on my team all those years and i got to study him and see what he was like every single fucking play. ahh
what do i like so much about barry sanders? i mean, there are other players with admirable characterstics: they could carry a guy into the endzone, they would run tacklers over with sheer heart, or had unbreakable concentration or ferocity, and on, but barry sanders had the freak reflexes of his brain being directly connected to his hips or something. it's all about how that chess guy i talked about and his fixed stance fights against the guy that feigned without moving. see, it's not that barry fakes one way, it's that he goes one way but somehow what is going one way for most running backs is going through three conscious decisions for him. say, for example, you want to step left. you think, step left, and you step left. he thinks, (this is all conjecture of course) begin phase one of stepping left, commence, begin phase two of stepping - oh shit! phase one go right phase two go right, etc.
oh man, i'm a fucking weirdo
so anyway, it's just great.
i can't quite say that about my morning jacket, however i just can't get the new cd out of my car cd player. i very much like it but it doesn't seem like a cd that will really stick with me but seems very important right now. i don't know. i'm just really starting to listen to music and this is kind of like a new category i get to make for cds. it used to be rudimentary, like 'like' or 'dislike'
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At 3:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Chad, how's it goin. I must admit I feel bad because I'm using this as more of a way to communicate like an email message, but since I'm at your "blog" site, it gives a feel to say a bit more.
I got here through your portfolio at desktop creatures or doodle bug site. When I was home over Christmas break, I decided what the hell so I drew one for fun, and it was. I enjoyed your portfolio, I still like "an endless struggle" the most.
I hit on something I must comment on further, being the Christmas break. Sadly, our circle of close friends do not see much of each other until a holiday comes around, and when it does, it's like we've been hanging out every day..........until christmas break of last year. It was something elusive, something I couldn't put my finger on, but I felt distance everywhere. I saw it in people's eyes. I felt like a visitor, very out of place.
Now, that feeling I described was superficial, or the first impression. I looked further and thought, "of course I feel this way, I'm getting older, we're all getting older, this is the shit that happens." It's not tragic or sad, it's just life. The negative vibe I got was basically the fact that I'm not sure of the future, creating some anxiety that could be easily suppressed, but it was so blatant because of that initial, superficial feeling of distance.
Let me also say that I was elated (I think that's how u spell it) that I got to hang out with everyone over New Year's Eve.
So, do I have a point? No, but sort of. I go off on rants like that because I keep a lot of it in, I can't share those thoughts with most of the people up here, so all the feelings and thoughts become unorganized and spills out all at once like now. But, I need to say I appreciate our friends and hope it continues, even if the frequency of visits or our availability drops.
I'm sick right now, I'm pretty sure I have a virus. I'm in Peds ER this week, felt great on Monday, but I believe those kids gave me something, I ache all over, no appetite for two days, and i'm pretty sure I have a fever. I had to hold a 19 month old girl down the other day so she could get sutures on her forehead. Holy shit, I was beat after that. You would be surprised how strong a little girl can kick her legs. Plus she screamed so much for about a half hour straight she threw up several times, once on me. I almost got sick from smelling it. Just wanted to give you an update.
So I'll talk to you soon....
At 1:46 PM,
chad was marco said…
who is this??
hahaha, still, you could have left a name, lou. or no, obviously you don't have to. i visited steve for the first time out at strittmatter's farm last night. he and i don't see each other much anymore either even. apparently he's become captain morgan drinker now, haha, as opposed to jack. but so we got drunk last night and he read this at the same time as me and both of us by the second sentence knew it was you.
but anyway, thanks for writing and sorry to hear you're sick.
i can't believe you guys are doctors and have those kinds of responsibilities, like holding down that child. it's scary just to think about. but i'm sure when you're in the situation you have to do it and get through it. i'm curious to think what being a doctor will be like once you get past the newness of it and the energy and focus and concentration you have to put into it. if you ever get to the point where you let your mind relax for moments during a procedure or something you'd probably really experience the fear and the amazement of the fact that you're a doctor. you're in charge of this person's life. i could see you looking down at a body in front of you and thinking, 'holy shit.' i guess you really have to be good at getting into a zone and staying focused. hey, is the hardest part the workload or the experience? i don't know if i've ever asked you that.
hahaha, yeah, an endless struggle. would the drawing have been half as good without that name? i need to go back now and check out your latest shit. yours are always great.
um, yeah, christmas break. i obviously realized you felt like that and i felt bad that i didn't do that much to change your opinion of it. the fact that i was working through break and that i was struggling endlessly to quit drinking, i kind of held back some of the excitement i'd normally have felt. it's funny because i was, on a different blog, writing about my worries of our friends growing apart and about how if i declined to drink it wouldn't seem the same and we wouldn't get into the situations that we rely on to confirm through enjoyment and fun that we still are just the same as ever. so, personally, i feel like i helped create your attitude. you know, no one's around anymore and i needed to figure out how to keep myself happy on my own and a strict system was necessary, and it was hard to just jump right out of it at the drop of a, hmm...bottle cap? heh. but so then came new year's and everything was righted, am i right? yes.
now, of course no need to write back apologizing for the fact that i took your comment that way, as, of course, you hadn't intended to place blame anywhere, you were just noting that we were all getting older, etc. but i just had to mention it since it was so weird that i had anticipated how i was going to act and how it would affect things and then it did and i hated it.
anyway. similar note. did you know ryan got engaged?? i tried calling him christmas but apparently his number is changed. so when i was at steve's yesterday and heard steve was talking to him, i had to, through steve, wish him a merry christmas and happy new year a happy birthday and a congratulations. talk about growing apart.
but anyway, right, new year's was great.
and i really hope to visit you again, maybe soon. i just got a raise and so once i pay off my taxes april, i'm going to start to feel rich for a little while.
but yeah man, call me any time you want, if you have the time. good to hear from you.
p.s. you need to see that barry sanders tape
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