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oh man, i just realized i'm in a really funny mood. mood's are so interesting. are they really so fragile or do i just think so. i don't ever want to take a second to compose myself when i'm in a good mood for fear that too many cooks will spoil the stew, or something not like that at all. but you already knew what i meant before i sentenced it. hmm, so i wondered why i write so many useless sentences, but then i realized that you need some sentences that do nothing but give you an idea for the next sentence while you write it. or give you time is all maybe to mindlessly chatter about on your keyboard so that your mind can dazzle up something fresh/exciting/self-praising or otherwise you end up with shit like this, that makes everyone who links to you cringe.
all right, nevermind, here comes the day
all right, nevermind, here comes the day
3 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 10:37 AM,
chad was marco said…
hmm, apparently not. i thought i heard customers closing their cardoors, all ready to come in and stir me up with their browsing, not realizing the 180 i have to turn mentally to be able to respond to them naturally? when confronted with any gambit of way this wish to confront me. they don't know, as they walk around, that i'm all a sequence of preparation and trepidation and then they just keep walking, never interested in looking my way, but i wonder if not shouldn't i have perked them with a 'good day, sir and madame' and then wouldn't they perhaps have thought to her husband in murmured confidance, 'you know, i think yes, i will wallet a purchase
oops, now they're here. bye then
At 10:40 AM,
chad was marco said…
perhaps my spelling is wicked.
or like the wolfman has spewed in excuse once, 'what foul witch has mis-magicked my words into some semblance of six year old sorryhood?!'
or somethannnnnn'
At 3:29 PM,
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said…
Glad to see your sense of humour is intact.
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