i'm dying of boredom
and..we're off
reading jared diamond appeals to your common sense. reading oscar wilde appeals to your creativity. common sense is one of the greatest truths in the world. to be creative one must stretch the truth, their common sense. wilde or someone said something like, art's only purpose is to be admired. i remember that canadian, the father from 'honey/shrunk/kids' was playing the role of an english teacher in a different movie. he tells his young class on his first day to 'lie to me. tell me a story.'
i'm tired of creativity (i think). fiction is getting harder and to read. even, lately i've been finding introductions written about the author or his work in my hands more interesting. so i always end up picking up jared diamond.
eh. i'm thinking about buying a business for dummies book or something. i guess it's time to change things
reading jared diamond appeals to your common sense. reading oscar wilde appeals to your creativity. common sense is one of the greatest truths in the world. to be creative one must stretch the truth, their common sense. wilde or someone said something like, art's only purpose is to be admired. i remember that canadian, the father from 'honey/shrunk/kids' was playing the role of an english teacher in a different movie. he tells his young class on his first day to 'lie to me. tell me a story.'
i'm tired of creativity (i think). fiction is getting harder and to read. even, lately i've been finding introductions written about the author or his work in my hands more interesting. so i always end up picking up jared diamond.
eh. i'm thinking about buying a business for dummies book or something. i guess it's time to change things
3 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 4:12 PM,
Wolfman said…
Creativity is the mother of invention, perhaps our inventions are too abstract and inefficient.
At 10:43 AM,
chad was marco said…
tell me how you disagree about art. not that i don't agree with you. i should try some of that. thanks
under here i go on about things.
i really did mean to say that common sense is one of the closest things to a truth in the world. for some reason in my mind it was the same as saying 'one of the greatest truths in the world'
i mean take someone from any culture and you can point to something red and feel comfortable that you've gotten across to them the redness of the thing (as if you were describing the sweater you lost and you used the red wall to let him know the color of it). it is that assurance of 'getting across' that i like about common sense. don't go into anything too complex where it would be culture based. the main idea of common sense (from a practical perspective) is universally held as true. an example can come out of why we make laws. every human being after enough experience would understand why we are obligated to stop at stop signs and stop lights. it makes sense. we know what could happen if we didn't. common sense also applies to relationships between people. you don't say things to people you hope will be your friends that you wouldn't like them to say to you, como no. common sense is completely based on experience, though, right? it seems like it. what kind of examples would you give of common sense?
i've been playing chess. after enough games it has become obvious to me what kinds of moves not to make in the opening. i have learned through strict experience. we all have the ability to learn this way. climb as high as you like on the american corporate ladder and you will find people doing things similarly because they've all learned from similar experiences. ok, so this is one thing we all have in common, the ability to learn from experience. and that seems like a universal truth (in a certain sense) (the way a philosopher would argue against this would be to look at variables that could supercede the ideas of things that i've used in the example) (but we're sticking with this sense for now)
once you get to a certain level, however, be it in chess or business, you are faced with complications that you have little experience dealing with. i think most people think it is a good idea to fall back on your axioms. in chess, 'well, there are too many variables to figure out here, so i'll just stick to trying to control the center,' or in business, 'SELL!' or, i don't know, i don't know much about business axioms. maybe, 'FIRE!'
in these situations creativity can come in and also individual personalities. creativity can be one step from common sense or 100 miles from it.
if your personality likes to be creative in the 100 miles sense, that is fantastic, but i'm starting to think that you should really stick to it. try a move that is counter-axioms once and regardless of the outcome you haven't learned much. next time, if you try a move that is halfway between axiom and counter-axiom and you will not have learned much.
that's all
At 11:42 PM,
ClickNathan said…
yeah, selling and firing are great. great things.
creativity is a sham, art is a sham, but making things up, well that's wonderful.
actually, creativity isn't a sham, but what people consider creativity is. people always say things like "I'm not as creative as so-and-so" and just because so-and-so is somehow considered an artist.
anyway, i don't know. what's cool about life right now is that i don't "have a job" but i do make money. i'm an entrepreneur.
i think they say that most businesses fail in the first year or something?
even so, a year off from work sounds good to me.
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