unfinished p0st
so the store's been crazy busy lately. this is mostly why i haven't been writing things lately. but that sounds like something someone with people waiting for them to write things says. heh. we're on pace for maybe 45000 or more just this month and if we hit 40000 then just for this month i get a 600 bonus. that sounds like an xbox 360 to me maybe.
awkwardish things happened today. *palm presses to my face and my knees wobble* while thinking 'what do i get myself into?' just kidding.
mmm got too busy w/shit. this will never be finished
awkwardish things happened today. *palm presses to my face and my knees wobble* while thinking 'what do i get myself into?' just kidding.
mmm got too busy w/shit. this will never be finished
4 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 7:11 PM,
chad was marco said…
habit is what you do when you're not thinking
remember being told that if you're very good at something or whether you're very bad at something it shows through even more clearly when an audience is watching?
no confidence when there should be
At 11:04 AM,
chad was marco said…
ha, oh well, i had many other things planned but never got to them. but there is one other secret hidden here
At 8:38 PM,
ClickNathan said…
hahahahahah. yes. blog titles...
ahhhh. so are you going for the expensive, I have a hard drive, XBOX 360?
I want one but I didn't get a 600 bonus...
At 3:06 PM,
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said…
Thanks for your intelligent comment. You should stop by more often.
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