Some things are fucking annoying
but regular problems are a blast. i relish getting angry and frustrated about things that make sense.
i've been swearing a lot more for some reason. it makes me seem tougher, more rough around the edges, i imagine.
i've started using Alice as my horoscope. she's usually pretty kind and likes to dole out good wishes and fortunes.
we had our 2nd anniversary today at the store. local radio stations were here with the likes of the mascot wally the walrus and voice personality casey, something. my aunt was on the air many times. spreads of cheese cookies drinks such and like. big party at the storefront.
but very slow day.
lou came in and said hi.
night looks bright.
i've been swearing a lot more for some reason. it makes me seem tougher, more rough around the edges, i imagine.
i've started using Alice as my horoscope. she's usually pretty kind and likes to dole out good wishes and fortunes.
we had our 2nd anniversary today at the store. local radio stations were here with the likes of the mascot wally the walrus and voice personality casey, something. my aunt was on the air many times. spreads of cheese cookies drinks such and like. big party at the storefront.
but very slow day.
lou came in and said hi.
night looks bright.
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 2:42 PM,
chad was marco said…
haha, instead of saying 'night looks bright' i could have said 'tomorrow looks grim'
heh, all my friends are in and tonight's my birthday and i have a hundred dollar bill in my possession. 'tomorrow looks grim.' (this was just an illustration)
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