Raisins sure as hell don't go with Cookies
i think that if there are raisins in cookies they should call it a motherfuckin' vegetable. but, it's what i'm eating right now, so...
i guess i'm getting healthy
it's like eating a handful of rocks with bugs in them.
haha, i just fucking threw it away after that comment and resulting visualization. yuck, all i've got left is this shitty ass nobake cookie. hahhaha, what an idiot. who thinks, 'i know (lightbulb)! Let's dump this Oatmeal into our Dessert!'
you kind of have to pretend you're eating a vegetable to eat these things. like when you're learning to like carrots. you take small bites and think, 'well, this isn't so bad.' but i think it's because you think it's healthy is why you carry on eating it.
what eating a nobake cookie is like is eating chocolate with gum wrappers mixed in.
ha, i like these sun chips though. hmm, i have trouble describing why i like things compared to the trouble i give to describing why i hate things. let's give it a go:
these sunchips are heaven's glorious silk flower of flavor with a light crunch that rivals the beauty of legolas skimming across a snowy meadow. it's like eating up a rainbow that's just splashed into the glistening sea. ah, sun chips, how i love thee
i guess i'm getting healthy
it's like eating a handful of rocks with bugs in them.
haha, i just fucking threw it away after that comment and resulting visualization. yuck, all i've got left is this shitty ass nobake cookie. hahhaha, what an idiot. who thinks, 'i know (lightbulb)! Let's dump this Oatmeal into our Dessert!'
you kind of have to pretend you're eating a vegetable to eat these things. like when you're learning to like carrots. you take small bites and think, 'well, this isn't so bad.' but i think it's because you think it's healthy is why you carry on eating it.
what eating a nobake cookie is like is eating chocolate with gum wrappers mixed in.
ha, i like these sun chips though. hmm, i have trouble describing why i like things compared to the trouble i give to describing why i hate things. let's give it a go:
these sunchips are heaven's glorious silk flower of flavor with a light crunch that rivals the beauty of legolas skimming across a snowy meadow. it's like eating up a rainbow that's just splashed into the glistening sea. ah, sun chips, how i love thee
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At 9:26 PM,
Kully said…
do i hint a tad bit of sarcasm?...alas i agree, why is it harder to describe the negative side of things? maybe it's because the beautiful things come of it?-such as pegasus and from medusas head.
At 11:55 AM,
chad was marco said…
i'm glad you're writing again. i hope you get your computergoing.
hmm, maybe you knew and just accidentaly said 'negative' but if not, what i was saying was that i find it easiest to describe the negative sides of things. i was thinking last night that this is probably because of my sister. i think being negative is a dominant trait for her and i just picked up on it because it was how we related. but anyway, for me (and i was just entertaining myself here so wasn't really being clear) the joke was that it was like my first attempt at describing something pleasant, like the tate of sun chips, and my attempt went grossly out of hand as i exaggerated to the moon and back how good they were. it was supposed to be like how an amatuer would've done it or something. but anyway, heh, yeah
At 12:00 PM,
chad was marco said…
oh, sorry to hear, i just read that the computer death is official
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