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Sunday, September 4

oh yeah,

that's why i don't take credit for anything. if, say, it's important, here's what i'll do. i'll look around and, 'hmm this has no importance or meaning to me. i'll use it!' therefore, where everyone else puts things that mean the most to them, i put things that have none. my self fades when others' burns. i get bright when no one else thought to care. there is much less competition this way. but, to add more clarity to the first sentence, i don't take credit in things people take credit for. i'm the joker of the deck. i'd never say that except that that's what tarot cards put me and my birthday as. the end. last stab. at the verge. the very beginning and end. and here's what song was no. 1 when i was born:(Just Like) Starting Over - John Lennon

not just starting over, which would be jan. 1st but just about fucking like it. the end's the beginning. (and all that bullshit truth shit)

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