a light nap
so he stopped wondering and saw that the full moon made the night bright but that it also illuminated the thick fog in front of his face which made it nearly impossible to see. it's always hard to get started, he thought. it occured to him that he was already moving, however, and so he decided that he would just be content with that. once this was decided, all his thoughts fell into place accordingly. the judgement of the proper placement of each of his feet or the correct level of depth for each breath no longer became his concern. he was walking through a fog and that was just good enough for him.
*narrator chuckles* but then, wouldn't you know it, he came upon another being. she was already talking but for a moment he struggled to try to find the right thing to say. luckily for him, his previous way of thought had embedded itself just deeply enough in his self that he thought to just have patience and wait and see if what the woman was saying would perhaps give him a clue as to what he should say. how brilliant! he realized, and he began to listen to her and a smile came across his face. calmly, he looked at her and it didn't take him long to notice that she was holding a baby and that she was saying that the baby was cold.
oh! how much more proper now he saw was it for him to offer some help instead of how he might have started out before, had he struggled to say the right thing, which might have been something like, 'who are you,' or 'why are you here?'
*narrator chuckles* but then, wouldn't you know it, he came upon another being. she was already talking but for a moment he struggled to try to find the right thing to say. luckily for him, his previous way of thought had embedded itself just deeply enough in his self that he thought to just have patience and wait and see if what the woman was saying would perhaps give him a clue as to what he should say. how brilliant! he realized, and he began to listen to her and a smile came across his face. calmly, he looked at her and it didn't take him long to notice that she was holding a baby and that she was saying that the baby was cold.
oh! how much more proper now he saw was it for him to offer some help instead of how he might have started out before, had he struggled to say the right thing, which might have been something like, 'who are you,' or 'why are you here?'
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