Familiar Theme
All right, I'm getting sick about my familiar themes, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do anything about it right now. One of the few things in my life that gets me going enough to post about it is the Annoying Customer. These people consist of middle to upper aged women.
Ok, sure, they're the customer and I'm the one working here, and so I should be kind and helpful and all that, and I am, to a point. But these older women abuse it. It literally makes me sick to my stomach how grossly different they are than I. It matters to me if I feel like I'm wasting someone's time and probably because I get quite upset when someone's wasting mine. By not caring about the person you are talking to, you can reap many benefits. You can absorb yourself in your own thoughts, your own self. This is a desirable thing that I can rarely experience - and is probably a big reason for my having this blog. Until I build up a strong friendship with somebody, I stay very sensitive to their mood. Then again, I often allow myself to gauge people's moods negatively when if fact they may have still been interested. This is because of negative personality traits.
But anyway, that's going way into it. The point is that these women need you to be there to hear their voice. If it does ever register to them or even matter to them that you terribly don't care, they'll think that they can buy some time by turning their attention away from their descriptions of that pretty ethan allen, i said ethan allen valance that they just got 40% off and that their sister would have died to have had, in fact she was just looking at the exact same one but went another way and all because of the price, to ask me a question about a particular piece of furniture we actaully had in the store, or rather they'll usually just look anywhere, at anything and say, 'oh that's a nice piece!'
Anyway, it feels perverted, their extreme lack of consideration. Many times it seems they come into the store only for conversation. They just like to look around and exclaim things. So many of them talk about the guilt they feel. 'Oh my gosh! I really don't need anything, but here I am buying it' or the older women say, invariably, 'I need this like a hole in the head.' Seriously, I've heard that one fifty times. And then I imagine they'll go home to their husbands who are sitting on the couch, minding their own business and not everybody else's, and the I can just see the women guilting their husbands into doing things for them because they just sat at home all day while the woman got to do exactly what she wanted but for some reason it sounds like she did things because she can say that she went and bought curtains at JC Penny's and that her feet hurt because she went searching all over Altoona to find a gift for her son-in-law.
Well, I'm just getting completely carried away, but some of these women really are annoying as hell.
At least you had the option to stop reading.
Ok, sure, they're the customer and I'm the one working here, and so I should be kind and helpful and all that, and I am, to a point. But these older women abuse it. It literally makes me sick to my stomach how grossly different they are than I. It matters to me if I feel like I'm wasting someone's time and probably because I get quite upset when someone's wasting mine. By not caring about the person you are talking to, you can reap many benefits. You can absorb yourself in your own thoughts, your own self. This is a desirable thing that I can rarely experience - and is probably a big reason for my having this blog. Until I build up a strong friendship with somebody, I stay very sensitive to their mood. Then again, I often allow myself to gauge people's moods negatively when if fact they may have still been interested. This is because of negative personality traits.
But anyway, that's going way into it. The point is that these women need you to be there to hear their voice. If it does ever register to them or even matter to them that you terribly don't care, they'll think that they can buy some time by turning their attention away from their descriptions of that pretty ethan allen, i said ethan allen valance that they just got 40% off and that their sister would have died to have had, in fact she was just looking at the exact same one but went another way and all because of the price, to ask me a question about a particular piece of furniture we actaully had in the store, or rather they'll usually just look anywhere, at anything and say, 'oh that's a nice piece!'
Anyway, it feels perverted, their extreme lack of consideration. Many times it seems they come into the store only for conversation. They just like to look around and exclaim things. So many of them talk about the guilt they feel. 'Oh my gosh! I really don't need anything, but here I am buying it' or the older women say, invariably, 'I need this like a hole in the head.' Seriously, I've heard that one fifty times. And then I imagine they'll go home to their husbands who are sitting on the couch, minding their own business and not everybody else's, and the I can just see the women guilting their husbands into doing things for them because they just sat at home all day while the woman got to do exactly what she wanted but for some reason it sounds like she did things because she can say that she went and bought curtains at JC Penny's and that her feet hurt because she went searching all over Altoona to find a gift for her son-in-law.
Well, I'm just getting completely carried away, but some of these women really are annoying as hell.
At least you had the option to stop reading.
2 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 6:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am reminded of my adventures fighting giant angels. I had to an evangelion inorder to put forth the strongest struggle. Ha, ha, but i was young and found myself blacking out time and time again awaking to that o-so-familiar ceiling. Laying on my back in a hospital bed staring up at the ceiling; failure. And just look at me now! Hang in there kid.
-Sinji Ikari, the Champion of the World
At 11:33 PM,
chad was marco said…
if only sinji. if only...
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