shawn. post something.
so, something james frey said. he feared an open mind was the same thing as an empty mind. the only way for me to get around hating that (and how true it could seem) is to dismiss it and ignore it, like i'm running a business and someone suggested an idea that i didn't like and i could just wave my hand and say, no, no, we won't be accepting that idea.
what's the feeling, what's the feeling. hop around that plant, ride the rocking pony, hair whipping in the wind. take that mirror and discus throw it out towards the ocean where green arms reach from the clouds and pull it to their face. the mirror explodes and a face like a grinning sun from the back of a cereal box comes close, close, closer.
awake with a fright.
like you just tripped.
roll over, fall back asleep.
fall awake again, heart pounding, your name whispered in your ear. blinds whirl up, bright light appears and your mother talks to you in voice that's been up and busy for many hours. a friend called or there're chores. wait till she leaves the room.
the radio keeps a consistent mood as phones ring and there's a new carpet smell. cordial talking. consistent emphasis. the business world. ...................3! 2! 1! AND THAT'S THE END OF THE SHOW!! SEE YA TOMORROW KIDS! EWW-GALUE-GUE-GUE-GALAGAGA!!
what's the feeling, what's the feeling. hop around that plant, ride the rocking pony, hair whipping in the wind. take that mirror and discus throw it out towards the ocean where green arms reach from the clouds and pull it to their face. the mirror explodes and a face like a grinning sun from the back of a cereal box comes close, close, closer.
awake with a fright.
like you just tripped.
roll over, fall back asleep.
fall awake again, heart pounding, your name whispered in your ear. blinds whirl up, bright light appears and your mother talks to you in voice that's been up and busy for many hours. a friend called or there're chores. wait till she leaves the room.
the radio keeps a consistent mood as phones ring and there's a new carpet smell. cordial talking. consistent emphasis. the business world. ...................3! 2! 1! AND THAT'S THE END OF THE SHOW!! SEE YA TOMORROW KIDS! EWW-GALUE-GUE-GUE-GALAGAGA!!
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At 3:35 PM,
ClickNathan said…
So open mind is an empty mind because you haven't made any solid decisions that are tangible enough to set up on the shelf and say "There, that's what I think of that situation."
That's ridiculous. Having a set opinion on anything is, I can only surmise, the first stage to dying. Well, being born would be stage one, formulating solid opinions on ideas and calling them fact is the second. Once you begin to recognize something as the utter truth then you've agreed to stop thinking and once you stop thinking, alzheimers sets in and once that happens, you are no longer a human, just a piece of machinery which will inevitably fail at some point.
At 1:31 PM,
chad was marco said…
right guys. gotcha
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