man, life
(hahaha, i'm reminded of, 'Today, huh?!!" -sundarkened man looks around at the warm blue day. shawn, if you're reading, you get it.)
this guy from new york. he was on a mission. can you say, direct. he stormed in with such intensity and focus it was as if if he didn't get his table and chairs in today, the man with the gun would kill his son at the warehouse. but, thing was, he only seemed that way. such a thick accent though. even the most trivial of things he said were propped up in importance by that paced, forceful way of communicating. he was telling me that his son plays hardball for state college and that's why they're here. hardball. ...hardball. well, anyway, it was fun talking to him. marie was in again. again i realize i want to be around people that are actively communicating, and with style. though there's nothing wrong with those old southern men on their outside rockers that just say, 'yep.' i'd feel like me and them could enjoy a good relaxing smoke now and then. and we could shoot at something. but some people are all work when you talk to them or when they talk at you rather. that's no fun at all.
i can't explain how funny steve just called me. in an old man cowboy/redneck scratchy long voweled voice, asks me some dang furnishiore queschion. says, i gots some ta bring ap teh yeh possibly and perhaps. haha, but i was ringing someone up.
so, back to chessmaster. after it all day yesterday, i couldn't help but think of people as pieces when they moved. as i walked betweeen steve and his sister i'd see images of me being a bishop and the like. like mario cart playing and then while driving home you think you see bananas on the road.
see you
this guy from new york. he was on a mission. can you say, direct. he stormed in with such intensity and focus it was as if if he didn't get his table and chairs in today, the man with the gun would kill his son at the warehouse. but, thing was, he only seemed that way. such a thick accent though. even the most trivial of things he said were propped up in importance by that paced, forceful way of communicating. he was telling me that his son plays hardball for state college and that's why they're here. hardball. ...hardball. well, anyway, it was fun talking to him. marie was in again. again i realize i want to be around people that are actively communicating, and with style. though there's nothing wrong with those old southern men on their outside rockers that just say, 'yep.' i'd feel like me and them could enjoy a good relaxing smoke now and then. and we could shoot at something. but some people are all work when you talk to them or when they talk at you rather. that's no fun at all.
i can't explain how funny steve just called me. in an old man cowboy/redneck scratchy long voweled voice, asks me some dang furnishiore queschion. says, i gots some ta bring ap teh yeh possibly and perhaps. haha, but i was ringing someone up.
so, back to chessmaster. after it all day yesterday, i couldn't help but think of people as pieces when they moved. as i walked betweeen steve and his sister i'd see images of me being a bishop and the like. like mario cart playing and then while driving home you think you see bananas on the road.
see you
2 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha, i like the comment heading.
did you ever read that vonnegut story about the human chess game? "all the king's horses," i think it's called. i don't really remember it, other than the fact it was disturbing, but if it's vonnegut i'm sure it's good.
At 5:41 PM,
chad was marco said…
no i didn't. i would like to, now. you've lately said things about disturbing/depressing books. i'd never even thought of such a thing. i guess was catcher depressing? i don't think. what's a depressing book? different than a tragedy? or there's murder or crime, or the characters have negative thoughts and experiences. or something about the writing just makes you feel lonely?
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