i'm a brewmaster, if you didn't
did you know that 75% of south african breweries miller's profits leave the U.S.? guess what fraction of anheiser busch's profits stay in america; you guessed it, the whole number. these are just a few of the facts posted above the urinals at the theme park.
i so totally love to call miller, south african breweries miller. haha.
but it's just begun raining outside, and here's me with my new, white italian leather shoes and all, and i didn't buy the water protectant. i'll have to take them off and wrap them in a bag, running to my car barefoot.
it looks like i'm in the market now for a new vehicle (in a used sense), and get this, in the 11 - 14 k range. or is it g's. or both, i think. anyway, at least i'll get to listen to cds again, more often.
talk to you
i so totally love to call miller, south african breweries miller. haha.
but it's just begun raining outside, and here's me with my new, white italian leather shoes and all, and i didn't buy the water protectant. i'll have to take them off and wrap them in a bag, running to my car barefoot.
it looks like i'm in the market now for a new vehicle (in a used sense), and get this, in the 11 - 14 k range. or is it g's. or both, i think. anyway, at least i'll get to listen to cds again, more often.
talk to you
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 12:06 PM,
ClickNathan said…
Yeah, I remember when Miller had those "Miller for President" commercials, putting down Budweiser as the "King of Beers" and saying that wasn't American. Then Bud came back and said "You're brewed in SA, what the fuck?!" Miller's commercials ceased immediately.
Miller Light tastes better than Bud Light, has less calories, and most importantly, a cooler label. Bud Light has commercials out now saying "We have a new cool label so now you don't have to use our old lame one." I think that's funny.
My conclusion, drink what you like, I'll have a Miller Light please.
And as for Shawn's introspeculation...well, I'm on the high pass to freedom but at any moment I could really fucking crash. Forclosed mortgages and begging for change crash, but I feel free and alive and all because I've decided to try and do what I want instead of what's socially right. Or at least "right" in the mind of the general social conscience. Or conscious, I can't be sure which would be more appropriate.
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