shit, i am so stubborn when it comes to doing what i want to do with a certain amount of time. for example, after work. i just want to go home and forget about work, about dealing with and talking to and appeasing people. i want to play basketball or chess with anthony and laugh together about what rude motherfuckers we are. i don't want to tip-toe around things or work up some fake excitement about my new car or some other shit.
thing is, my cousin and aunt and uncle are in from the beach/state college, reverse-respectedly and they want (image a sweet valley high girl saying:) to get together and go to Friendlies!!!!! oh come on! just have some ice cream then!!
i just fucking smashed my shin. it's too hard to explain how, but it hurts. like, i smashed it while sitting in my chair typing.
anyway, i don't want to deal with it all right now and i could see myself going there and responding less than enthusiastically to questions thus virtually pooping on the party and making everyone feel a little upset at me unconsciously, perhaps, after i'd say i was tired from work and didn't really feel like talking. they'd probably try to make me laugh by saying how hard my aunt must make me work but i wouldn't.
you might say, big deal, just do what you want. who cares what they think, just say you want to go home.
butttttt, i want to be able to go there and have fun. i want to want to go hang out with family or anybody and enjoy myself. i want to be able to make the party more enjoyable. so i'm going to go because it's the first step in being able to get back to being able to do that. but i'm so damn stubborn that i still think i'm going to show up and be less than enthusiastic. sigh. we'll see.
thing is, my cousin and aunt and uncle are in from the beach/state college, reverse-respectedly and they want (image a sweet valley high girl saying:) to get together and go to Friendlies!!!!! oh come on! just have some ice cream then!!
i just fucking smashed my shin. it's too hard to explain how, but it hurts. like, i smashed it while sitting in my chair typing.
anyway, i don't want to deal with it all right now and i could see myself going there and responding less than enthusiastically to questions thus virtually pooping on the party and making everyone feel a little upset at me unconsciously, perhaps, after i'd say i was tired from work and didn't really feel like talking. they'd probably try to make me laugh by saying how hard my aunt must make me work but i wouldn't.
you might say, big deal, just do what you want. who cares what they think, just say you want to go home.
butttttt, i want to be able to go there and have fun. i want to want to go hang out with family or anybody and enjoy myself. i want to be able to make the party more enjoyable. so i'm going to go because it's the first step in being able to get back to being able to do that. but i'm so damn stubborn that i still think i'm going to show up and be less than enthusiastic. sigh. we'll see.
3 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 10:14 AM,
ClickNathan said…
A solution -
Go, against your will, but because you want to be a good guy who makes people happy - and honestly do your best to be that guy, but then suggest that you all get sherbert!!!
Make a big fuss over sherbert - "Ooh, I love sherbert. Sherbert reminds me of when we all used to get together and be a real family. Every good American should eat sherbert RIGHT NOW!!! It reminds me of my dead goldfish - he loved sherbert, too...."
Then you'll be the good guy with your company but get back at them for everything they've ever done wrong to you all at once.
Unless they like sherbert, in which case I wouldn't want to hang out with them anyway. Fucking weirdos.
At 12:16 PM,
Olivia Meiring said…
When I have limited relaxation time, or I've worked my ass off for two years without a vacation and finally get to go on one, the LAST thing I feel like doing is hanging around loads of people making small talk and feeling under pressure to enjoy myself. ESPECIALLY family. I will never go on holiday with family again. You'll get home more exhausted than you were before you left, and possibly a little fucked off too that on your only holiday you got forced into doing things you really weren't up for and pretending to enjoy it.
No No NO.
At 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Holla back -Bloom
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