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Wednesday, June 29

This Price is so Cheap!! (sounds of explosions)

Name this tune:

But wait, I'm not the evil vill-ain
His name is Slates McGrogg-an
And he's got some major moves such as
back break-ers and neck crush-ers
you gotta watch out for ank-le toss-es
look out for the gut-bust-ers
and look out for the knuck-le smash-es!!!

was that:

a) some famous rapper - Let's get it started in hah!
b) fantasy clown - Screeching Wails of Rapture, Provoked
c) Cronkite Gibralter - Batman Unstoppable, the Musical

If you guess 'c' Cronkite Gibralter from Batman Unstopple, the Musical, Behind the Scenes, Congratulations!! You have won a free viewing of HBO presents: Batman Unstoppable, Behind the Scenes! Then stay for the Director's cut and the lengthy Aftermath, Ramifications of a Blockbuster Bust.

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