I like the over the rainbow/what a wonderful world remix, but that's all i've ever heard of the guy...
though i did picture a huge fat guy while listening.
actually, i picture all hawaiian men as huge fat guys, and all of the girls in hoola skirts and wanting to sleep with me (the men want to kill me for being white and bringing with me disease and that alien, Stitch)
2 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 8:19 PM,
ClickNathan said…
I'd start here.
At 2:46 PM,
ClickNathan said…
I like the over the rainbow/what a wonderful world remix, but that's all i've ever heard of the guy...
though i did picture a huge fat guy while listening.
actually, i picture all hawaiian men as huge fat guys, and all of the girls in hoola skirts and wanting to sleep with me (the men want to kill me for being white and bringing with me disease and that alien, Stitch)
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