I am Going to the Rodeo
maybe i should get a job as one of those gutless clowns i always see running away from the bulls
Really, the rodeo. I didn't think that was something I was really allowed to go to for some reason. But here I go, this Saturday, for $10, I'm off to watch a professional try to ride on a bull for a few seconds and then pray to God that he doesn't get the life stomped out of him. Then, I'll watch the next guy. At least it's not bull-fighting. I don't think I'd want to watch that. I wonder if the rodeo includes those wusses that ride a horse for three seconds before they rope a steer and then hop off the horse, rip the animal to the ground by half-breaking his neck and then tie his feet up in the ultimate display of authority. Actually, I don't really have anything against this, it just doesn't seem that much fun on tv. In real life, I bet it would be exciting. I mean, no one would cry mercy if I wrestled a snake to the ground. I imagine my review of this experience will range from A to C depending on how close I sit to the animals and the action. Haha, bulls seem so funny all of the sudden. They're just so angry!
Oh, HAHAHA, imagining that makes me remember how funny rhinos are. According to a local fact, upon seeing an open fire, a rhinocerous will storm towards it and stomp it out. Maybe I saw this one scene in a movie, or maybe I imagined this scene, but sit two or three amigos around a desert fire, minding their own business, when out of nowhere, a giant rhinocerous bursts into their burning fire, nose first, and kicks and stomps the fire out, snorting and flailing, sending logs and ash flying. Then, the rhinocerous just takes off back into the trees, leaving the terrified campers fireless.
Really, the rodeo. I didn't think that was something I was really allowed to go to for some reason. But here I go, this Saturday, for $10, I'm off to watch a professional try to ride on a bull for a few seconds and then pray to God that he doesn't get the life stomped out of him. Then, I'll watch the next guy. At least it's not bull-fighting. I don't think I'd want to watch that. I wonder if the rodeo includes those wusses that ride a horse for three seconds before they rope a steer and then hop off the horse, rip the animal to the ground by half-breaking his neck and then tie his feet up in the ultimate display of authority. Actually, I don't really have anything against this, it just doesn't seem that much fun on tv. In real life, I bet it would be exciting. I mean, no one would cry mercy if I wrestled a snake to the ground. I imagine my review of this experience will range from A to C depending on how close I sit to the animals and the action. Haha, bulls seem so funny all of the sudden. They're just so angry!
Oh, HAHAHA, imagining that makes me remember how funny rhinos are. According to a local fact, upon seeing an open fire, a rhinocerous will storm towards it and stomp it out. Maybe I saw this one scene in a movie, or maybe I imagined this scene, but sit two or three amigos around a desert fire, minding their own business, when out of nowhere, a giant rhinocerous bursts into their burning fire, nose first, and kicks and stomps the fire out, snorting and flailing, sending logs and ash flying. Then, the rhinocerous just takes off back into the trees, leaving the terrified campers fireless.
3 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 11:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
i don't know about bull riding, but in bull fighting they tie a rope around the bull nuts and repeatedly yank on it before letting them go -shawn
At 10:23 AM,
ClickNathan said…
I don't know how we're supposed to take this Anonymous Shawn's comments seriously when he can't even take the time to login.
At 2:04 PM,
Kully said…
Rodeos are crazy! I went to one in Fort Collins CO; I remember a lot of mullets and large peoples. A week early I was actually branding calves on my friends ranch there. I had to hold the head as their eyes rolled back in their heads and their tongues hung out like dogs. Burnt cow skin and hair is a pretty wretched smell, but after about the sixth calf your more focused on not getting kicked in the head as you pick them up and slam them on the ground. It’s very violent and exhausting to say the least. I swear the cowboys at the rodeo made it seem so easy, I wouldn’t be surprised if they bribed the calf before hand and the whole thing was staged. But then I suppose cows would have to talk…oh well. Have fun at the rodeo!
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