A Fairly Drunken Update!
didn't they?
Anyway. Steve and I got some hundred proof whiskey, right. Basically, I've been sober 15 out of 17 days. That's good. But not tonight. There's plenty I'd like to tell you about my realizations about being sober lately, but that's not the plan right now. Right now, I will tell you other things.
I love thinking about history. Thinking about Thich Nhat Hanh and the like. Thinking about my life right now compared with life ten, twenty, one-hundred thousand years ago. We've only been a superpower for the last twenty years, at most. Luckily, the Wolfman enjoys this type of conversation. Not that we got that far.
But, before snapping to judgements, we need to realize this: that we've only been in consciousness for the last ten or so years. We need to comprehend what people our age were thinking twenty years ago, etc. How else can we feel so justified in our opinions?
But, without thinking about justification, we need to look ahead. No longer to I look to become independent just so that I can satisfy my desires. My desires no longer satisfy me. Or better, I have new desires. (It's annoying that I often see myself as Doogie Howser when I type my opinions.) I now care about 'us' in more of a collective view. I don't see my job as something that allows me to just get home and enjoy myself. Being home no longer is as satisfying. I want to be doing something more important. Like documenting route 20 or something. This is an interesting change for me. I am ready for a more global role. I am ready to assert my opinion when it comes to justice or equality.
But not right now. Thinking is its own justice, its own job. Paintings are their own example of assertion. Drinking water tells me that I am alive. Drinking whiskey tells me that I am hiding. I must get more water.
ugh. i got to go to bed.
Anyway. Steve and I got some hundred proof whiskey, right. Basically, I've been sober 15 out of 17 days. That's good. But not tonight. There's plenty I'd like to tell you about my realizations about being sober lately, but that's not the plan right now. Right now, I will tell you other things.
I love thinking about history. Thinking about Thich Nhat Hanh and the like. Thinking about my life right now compared with life ten, twenty, one-hundred thousand years ago. We've only been a superpower for the last twenty years, at most. Luckily, the Wolfman enjoys this type of conversation. Not that we got that far.
But, before snapping to judgements, we need to realize this: that we've only been in consciousness for the last ten or so years. We need to comprehend what people our age were thinking twenty years ago, etc. How else can we feel so justified in our opinions?
But, without thinking about justification, we need to look ahead. No longer to I look to become independent just so that I can satisfy my desires. My desires no longer satisfy me. Or better, I have new desires. (It's annoying that I often see myself as Doogie Howser when I type my opinions.) I now care about 'us' in more of a collective view. I don't see my job as something that allows me to just get home and enjoy myself. Being home no longer is as satisfying. I want to be doing something more important. Like documenting route 20 or something. This is an interesting change for me. I am ready for a more global role. I am ready to assert my opinion when it comes to justice or equality.
But not right now. Thinking is its own justice, its own job. Paintings are their own example of assertion. Drinking water tells me that I am alive. Drinking whiskey tells me that I am hiding. I must get more water.
ugh. i got to go to bed.
4 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 11:19 AM,
ClickNathan said…
If that was a hint rather than just a playful example, I'm quite certain that opportunities could, in various degrees, present themselves.
Though, grueling and vigorous might very well end up being adequate descriptions of this trip. I can't be sure yet.
But not like Mongolia squashing Tibet. More like Rosey O'Donnel getting cancelled (but only in the eyes of Rosy herself).
At 4:19 PM,
quiddity said…
drinking and thinking are closely related. A minimal pair in fact.
At 6:05 PM,
chad was marco said…
shall i call you riddidoley? and i'd say more causes the expressing of thinking. or do you mean there is a real physical relation?
commenter number one, it must have been a playful example. i couldn't think i'd be useful, but i could think that i could be a lucky leech. i'm just not roughty toughty enough. but, all said, point out any degrees.
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha. doogie howser.
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