Due to the inactivity of others, this post
One day i'll get into writing romance. one day. i have a belief that it is what i will be best at writing. not just romance but dialog. if what runs through my head determines how i can write then this should be true. imagined back and forth dialog is what keeps me busy on car rides and lawn mower rides and vacuum sweeping. i've certainly written long court/lawyer arguments in my head, and i'm always impressed by what twists and turns my imagination takes. same with romantic talks. there's usually a sense of tragedy in the discussions. it makes things so much more interesting and meaningful. i don't know why i don't ever start writing dialogs. i think it would make me feel too vulnerable.
By the beginning of this paragraph, I've not thought of anything worth mentioning to warrant it's conception, however, this conjunction makes it seem all the more interesting, even extremely interesting, if i may say. So sentence two, most often the most misunderstood of all sentences in a paragraph, usually takes one off on the detailing portion of the paragraph. Sentence three bolsters the details in sentence two. And sentence four is usually where I use some less formal grammar to get you to understand that I'm still on track with trying to filter out the most important concepts initially brought up by the opening sentence (actually this is also the sentence in which i usually get distracted by a customer and come back in the middle of but usually a little off point). Then I realize, in the final sentence, that I don't know where I'm trying to go with the paragraph and so I end it in such a way that it sounds like what I've been saying was very important and made a lot of points and a lot of sense but usually doesn't tie anything together at all, and there's no doubt about that.
Therefore, I'll let you know that everything's just probable.
A playful salutation
and...I'm out
By the beginning of this paragraph, I've not thought of anything worth mentioning to warrant it's conception, however, this conjunction makes it seem all the more interesting, even extremely interesting, if i may say. So sentence two, most often the most misunderstood of all sentences in a paragraph, usually takes one off on the detailing portion of the paragraph. Sentence three bolsters the details in sentence two. And sentence four is usually where I use some less formal grammar to get you to understand that I'm still on track with trying to filter out the most important concepts initially brought up by the opening sentence (actually this is also the sentence in which i usually get distracted by a customer and come back in the middle of but usually a little off point). Then I realize, in the final sentence, that I don't know where I'm trying to go with the paragraph and so I end it in such a way that it sounds like what I've been saying was very important and made a lot of points and a lot of sense but usually doesn't tie anything together at all, and there's no doubt about that.
Therefore, I'll let you know that everything's just probable.
A playful salutation
and...I'm out
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 5:05 PM,
quiddity said…
try writing dialogue with someone else then maybe you'll be inspired to keep going by yourself.
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