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Thursday, May 19

This Post is Untitled

I never feel like talking about bumblebees and candy canes but i feel like i should give it a shot. i think maybe something lies in there. as if, if i started up a dialogue between two lovers it would take me with it to somewhere amazing. actually, that is where my imagination usually takes me. usually to a long meaningful talk or a contained, concentrated argument. life isn't that way, but neither is fiction. BAM

but it's not me yet. i need the go ahead first from some real life experience. but i also fear being selfish. i know how i can be. umm, right, butterflies and lily pads and daisies and all that. i don't know if i can do it. i forget how to imagine it and i forget how to initiate fun and happiness in a conversation. well, let's see what i can do today.

(i still fear going into a movie theater) steve is here to go see episode three. let's do it.

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