And Analysis
what what what now. it's cold and sunny and i saw a bluejay today. they are very common around my house, but this one popped up to my window this morning at just the most perfect moment. i gave that bluejay it's appropriate amount of significance this morning. he enhanced my spirits and just seemed to fit right in with my certain attitude.
i don't know how many times i've seen a flock of birds or a beautiful sun-lit forest and stared it to death waiting to see if it would give me the happiness boost that i'd associated with it. it never does. if you're lying in a muddy rut seeing a rainbow won't put a smile on your face. not usually, at least.
my grandmother just talked to me. she won $1000 in Atlantic City. my brother was just in Canada and lost money. gambling seems to be the way to express how lucky we feel that winter's almost over. we should be seeing some lamb-type weather pretty soon, right?
i don't know how many times i've seen a flock of birds or a beautiful sun-lit forest and stared it to death waiting to see if it would give me the happiness boost that i'd associated with it. it never does. if you're lying in a muddy rut seeing a rainbow won't put a smile on your face. not usually, at least.
my grandmother just talked to me. she won $1000 in Atlantic City. my brother was just in Canada and lost money. gambling seems to be the way to express how lucky we feel that winter's almost over. we should be seeing some lamb-type weather pretty soon, right?
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At 4:40 PM,
chad was marco said…
i can't help but keep thinking how nice that sentence about the rainbow seems. i keep picturing the most beautiful spring day and maybe i'm muddy from playing soccer and i'm lying on my back and the sky's blue and warm.
At 5:01 PM,
ClickNathan said…
I could slip into a different mood simply at the sight of varying weather, easily. Usually my day, or at least the first half of it, is determined by the amount of sunlight pouring into my window, or the smell of the air as I walk out to my car.
Then the day goes on and other people's actions and my reactions determine my mood.
But inevitably I go back out to my car and once again the same old earthen weathered factors slip in.
Nice mom, by the way. Or maybe that's your aunt. Yeah, I have no memory or ability to associate the pictures in my memory with reality.
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