in keeping with posting anything, and obviously this was never intended for posting
so from the Ayn Rand Institute, "Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage—the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors."
that doesn't really make it sound like stereotyping a group of people would be racist. stereotypes exist because groups of people act similarly, in general. my family acts in quite a similar fashion. now, a stereotype usually seems to have a negative quality. but it is not really racist. i mean, there are intellectuals who are doctors in sociology. i'm sure everything they profess could be prefaced with the words 'in general.' in general this group of people act like this and in general this group of people acts like that. now, why the word 'group.' groups are characterized by being contained in a similar environment, i believe. this environment affects how people behave. unless one is to be shunned or ignored in these groups one will take part in some of the common activities like talking to others or watching particular entertainments together and then talking of those things. if one didn't what would one be able to talk about? not much. so one begins to display stereotypes common to the group. it's human nature.
growing as a culture.
changing ideals in white men in europe and early america and as a result one's being, one's desires and one's needs socially.
white women's lack of participation in art and philosophy in europe and early america and resulting decrease in association with white men.
differing desires to communicate and socialize with a group.
social characteristics of religions.
women's roles in differing societies and how they are regarded.
how well can one live outside of one's childhood culture, what can one learn, can one feel comfortable.
how does our melting pot deal with all the commotion. i think the formation of america necessitated the development of the internet. we need to exchange information quickly . globalization. globalization.globalization.globalization.
wow this is an amazing time in history. all nations are aware of each other. people are spreading. people aren't comfortable so we aren't complacent. differing cultures are becoming more integrated with each other. stereotypes are becoming less general. knowledge and tolerance increases. we've had things like politically correctness and save the animals and pay the workers more and the little guys are getting listened to more and oppression is being attacked in every way. i think we strive to better ourselves individually more than ever and more of us are doing it than ever because we are all allowed to and even expected to not like when a woman would be laughed at for trying to paint or a black man to speak his mind politically. we're competing with other nations. we are communicating together. all of this great stuff is facilitated by 'tools' like economy and internet and vacation. economy helps us strive for progress. what we can't do is allow fighting over the tools. the end goal isn't to be the most powerful nation china over usa or russia/france over england but to all work together. this will take a little time for our economies to get us there but if we avoid a devastating war we will end up there.
so what would be our goals if we were all working together. would it be spiritual or exploration or extreme proficiency or increases in all of them. or would we grow tired of the peace and the unstimulated challenges and enough people would make a go for power. yeah, that sure seems likely. but it's not heaven so...
that doesn't really make it sound like stereotyping a group of people would be racist. stereotypes exist because groups of people act similarly, in general. my family acts in quite a similar fashion. now, a stereotype usually seems to have a negative quality. but it is not really racist. i mean, there are intellectuals who are doctors in sociology. i'm sure everything they profess could be prefaced with the words 'in general.' in general this group of people act like this and in general this group of people acts like that. now, why the word 'group.' groups are characterized by being contained in a similar environment, i believe. this environment affects how people behave. unless one is to be shunned or ignored in these groups one will take part in some of the common activities like talking to others or watching particular entertainments together and then talking of those things. if one didn't what would one be able to talk about? not much. so one begins to display stereotypes common to the group. it's human nature.
growing as a culture.
changing ideals in white men in europe and early america and as a result one's being, one's desires and one's needs socially.
white women's lack of participation in art and philosophy in europe and early america and resulting decrease in association with white men.
differing desires to communicate and socialize with a group.
social characteristics of religions.
women's roles in differing societies and how they are regarded.
how well can one live outside of one's childhood culture, what can one learn, can one feel comfortable.
how does our melting pot deal with all the commotion. i think the formation of america necessitated the development of the internet. we need to exchange information quickly . globalization. globalization.globalization.globalization.
wow this is an amazing time in history. all nations are aware of each other. people are spreading. people aren't comfortable so we aren't complacent. differing cultures are becoming more integrated with each other. stereotypes are becoming less general. knowledge and tolerance increases. we've had things like politically correctness and save the animals and pay the workers more and the little guys are getting listened to more and oppression is being attacked in every way. i think we strive to better ourselves individually more than ever and more of us are doing it than ever because we are all allowed to and even expected to not like when a woman would be laughed at for trying to paint or a black man to speak his mind politically. we're competing with other nations. we are communicating together. all of this great stuff is facilitated by 'tools' like economy and internet and vacation. economy helps us strive for progress. what we can't do is allow fighting over the tools. the end goal isn't to be the most powerful nation china over usa or russia/france over england but to all work together. this will take a little time for our economies to get us there but if we avoid a devastating war we will end up there.
so what would be our goals if we were all working together. would it be spiritual or exploration or extreme proficiency or increases in all of them. or would we grow tired of the peace and the unstimulated challenges and enough people would make a go for power. yeah, that sure seems likely. but it's not heaven so...
4 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 4:03 PM,
ClickNathan said…
i wrote something similar to your stereotype comments on julie's blog a while back...stereotypes are a good thing, i figure, and if not a good thing, then definitely not a bad thing. No, just a reality. Stereotypes are just a way of summing up what would otherwise require seventy adjectives for each noun.
If I see a guy running down a street and I want to describe him, I might say "he's black, bald and runs with a bit of a limp" - I would never describe someone, on their own and not in a comparison situation, as being "white, with a full head of hair and runs without a limp" because those things are all the normal. they don't help to distinguish that person from the majority of the group. And yes, white is the majority so you don't need to point that out, you only need to point out race when it isn't white. In China the situation would be different. But we live here in the Heartland.
Then I was thinking about how men/women stereotypes would have evolved, actually more how the personality traits that bred those stereotypes how when guys are single they flock to other guys for companionship, but once they find a girlfriend they tend to drift away from those friends and spend more time with that woman. women often grow angry if their men want to spend time with their friends. if a man does want to hang with his homies, well then the woman comes along. very rarely does a man accompany his girlfriend for "girls night out" - maybe men don't want to be surrounded by feminine acts or maybe women just don't want any competition around. I would vie more for the latter.
once again, just generalizations, no straight up every time facts there.
someone like julie might break the mold and shed an interesting light on it, as she takes shawn out with her friends, but they're typically men. but that would require reprocessing my entire thought-span and so instead i'll leave it up to the next person...i thought about erasing that last paragraph, but hopefully no one will take offense to it as it is merely an observation.
then i thought about just erasing everything after the ellipse.
At 6:17 PM,
chad was marco said…
thanks for commenting (all of it)
right, i was certainly thinking of your comment about stereotypes on julies blog when i was, uh, thinking about stereotypes.
don't worry about your lack of attention span julie, as long as you can still hone in when you need to, like on your homework and unless it really pisses you off. then, i guess you should worry about it a bit to a lot.
again, i appreciate the comments, i didn't know how this would be received
At 9:32 PM,
chad was marco said…
first, thanks for the comment, all of it. i couldn't imagine it with any of it missing. so i'm happy that you feel free to just comment.
i wasn't someone who said your friends are guys. however, even if you knew that, i still think you were talking to me about shawn (not having him all to myself) don't worry about that at all. i never have. at all. not to say i don't want to hang with shawn or anything. i think we've had enough time; we might be pretty much talked out in some ways. it's either shawn or it's you and i'm sure it's both of you, actually, that enable this phenomenom: that shawn can be exactly himself when he's around you. i have many friends who either change dramatically when with their girlfriends, or act themselves but to the extreme displeasure of their girlfriends (meaning they act otherwise when not with friends) so that's extremely cool. the only problem i have is that that all makes the situation so comfortable that there's nothing like an awkward feeling or situation that i tend to rely on to persuade me to start acting up or fun or what i mean to say is that i don't feel like i have to do anything to make things better. i'm not sure what i mean but i feel like i'd rather live around you guys for a while instead of visit. i want to run into one of you at the cathedral or get lunch and then make plans to do something small later that night or unexpectedly get drunk on vodka. not just come up, get wasted and drive home, you know.
so, onto racism stuff. if you recall i was not intending on posting the post. why did i post it then? well at first i thought it might go somewhere but quickly i changed my mind and just started brainstorming. i had been telling my mom kindof my theories on, well, many things combined, and there was much generalization of course. when i ran into the ayn rand thing it made me think about it again. oh, now i remember, i copied it but had to x out of it because my aunt came back. so later i pasted it in here. then i brainstormed. so anyway.
umm, yes a history major, but for one i didn't take one class in all of college that dealt in any way with the us. i had got those credits in high school. so all i know about the us is basically the asian view haha. that was my area of concentration. so when i look at globalization i really don't look at it from an american point of view. more, just a, 'this has never happened before.' as far as us policies are concerned, sure we are more isolating than we have to be. but really as THE superpower we are quite considerate. people could argue that we are forced to seem, uh, nice or whatever, but i'm not going in to all of that. but us citizens are not isolationist. especially our 'twixter' generation. (check the latest TIME cover for this article that goes inot why it is harder for our age to grow up and what that means and all that of which i related to quite a lot) so even if world peace can be argued against, at least we are progressing in terms of communication at a rate that's just astounding. i mean exchange of ideas or items or ideals. and this helps lead to our generations overwhelming feeling, but it's forcing us to deal with it, and i think our brains can and will handle it. i see an amazing future even in just five or ten years. maybe not anything extreme in terms of economics or policies or governmental structures, but in a change in people and their goals and their thoughts for the future and toleration and hopefully happiness. these extra years that college students spend, not quite as adults, with time and few responsibilities, trying on new ideas, jobs, living spaces, might not be wasteful but ultra-beneficial. but that might be a somewhat biased longshot. i am pretty interested.
At 11:11 AM,
chad was marco said…
is it really called 'jew camp' that doesn't seem right.
i see it as a weakness that i don't judge my parents. i don't judge them, in many ways, because i'll probably see myself and be judging myself. but if i don't judge myself, well, how can i improve. so i think it's about time
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