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Thursday, February 17

I'm waiting for my van to warm up

and I'm capitalizing my "I's."

this morning, you remember?, i was watching a non movie land before time cartoon. a big t-rex was chasing the little devils through the thicket when they all came upon the luckiest of lucks, a dead tree had fallen across a deep canyon in a way that they had to carefully, but hurriedly, scamper across it. one of the biggest pussies of the group got all scared and held up in the middle of the log. this induced the big t-rex to risk chasing after them. his balance held up quite admirably for a big guy and i thought he had a real good chance of muching up some lunch, but the little guy regained whatever courage hadn't leaked out from his bladder (i probably shouldn't have gone there) and nimbly darted off to rejoin his friends on the other side. far from peril, in my opinion, they were within lunging range of the big t-rex still. but apparently the writers had run out of chase scene cliches or maybe they just tired of them because the next bit of action i can honestly say i have never seen before. although, the t-rex had gone out to the middle easily enough, and although he still had a fine chance of catchin' those little guys on the other side, it seemed that he was just so fed up by not eating one of them yet that he roared and took a giant bite out of the log he was standing on and then plummeted into the canyon with his now broken log bridge. and the look on his roaring face as the tv showed him twisting in panic on the way down hahaha. i laughed out loud this morning, you remember? it was bright out still and all that

the end

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