good, it's nice out, and it's raining
i awoke smiling as if under berries and willows. yet i still want to challenge everyone to be cynical. i felt a peace this morning that used to be reserved for 6th grade saturdays where bird chirps and cars splashing outside my window held me captive to by bed for all their beauty. but i remember yesterday i wanted everyone to expel all of their cynicisms on me. don't fear going on tangents. please go as deep as you like. or berate things on the surface. all cynics are welcome to comment. think of it as a challenge. think of it as a way to better perceive what it means to be cynical. what does it do and where does it get you.
also, i wanted to look up, at, the meaning of the word episodes. i particularly like 1.b. i call the posts my situation and the narrative my life. or something. obviously 1.c. works too. and 2. plus who can resist it if it's new. plus you can process it all passively if you wish so there's no pressure. just entertainment
Main Entry: ep·i·sode Pronunciation: 'e-p&-"sOd also -"zOdFunction: nounEtymology: Greek epeisodion, from neuter of epeisodios coming in besides, from epi- + eisodios coming in, from eis into (akin to Greek en in) + hodos road, journey -- more at IN1 : a usually brief unit of action in a dramatic or literary work: as a : the part of an ancient Greek tragedy between two choric songs b : a developed situation that is integral to but separable from a continuous narrative : INCIDENT c : one of a series of loosely connected stories or scenes d : the part of a serial presented at one performance2 : an event that is distinctive and separate although part of a larger series3 : a digressive subdivision in a musical composition
also, i wanted to look up, at, the meaning of the word episodes. i particularly like 1.b. i call the posts my situation and the narrative my life. or something. obviously 1.c. works too. and 2. plus who can resist it if it's new. plus you can process it all passively if you wish so there's no pressure. just entertainment
Main Entry: ep·i·sode Pronunciation: 'e-p&-"sOd also -"zOdFunction: nounEtymology: Greek epeisodion, from neuter of epeisodios coming in besides, from epi- + eisodios coming in, from eis into (akin to Greek en in) + hodos road, journey -- more at IN1 : a usually brief unit of action in a dramatic or literary work: as a : the part of an ancient Greek tragedy between two choric songs b : a developed situation that is integral to but separable from a continuous narrative : INCIDENT c : one of a series of loosely connected stories or scenes d : the part of a serial presented at one performance2 : an event that is distinctive and separate although part of a larger series3 : a digressive subdivision in a musical composition
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At 2:29 PM,
chad was marco said…
ok, here's the definition of cynical. and i realize that that was not the word i want. i don't want people's thoughts on distrust of human nature exactly. more, tell me thoughts on normal misperceptions or thoughts on reasons for basic human action. not, exactly cynical, right? basically, it's wholly philosophical.
Main Entry: cyn·i·cal
Pronunciation: 'si-ni-k&l
Function: adjective
2 : having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic : as a : contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives b : based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest
- cyn·i·cal·ly /-k(&-)lE/ adverb
synonyms CYNICAL, MISANTHROPIC, PESSIMISTIC mean deeply distrustful. CYNICAL implies having a sneering disbelief in sincerity or integrity . MISANTHROPIC suggests a rooted distrust and dislike of human beings and their society PESSIMISTIC implies having a gloomy, distrustful view of life
*certain tags omitted due to law, apparently
At 10:31 PM,
Kully said…
hey chad, you posted a comment on my blog and i just wanted to say thanks dude! It's interesting to find out what people take from my writing.
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh, to have just one more 6th grade saturday - that sense of utter calm and enjoyment, of no obligations, of being safe. that was when your place in the big scheme of things was clearly defined, you know? no need to torture yourself with questions any bigger than what cartoons to watch that morning.
i remember those weekend mornings, and i remember (vaguely) what it was like to wake up and not be confused, to not have your thoughts kick into high gear neuroticism as your to-do list compiled in your head. i remember what it was like to not feel guilty for doing nothing.
yeah, those were the days.
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