A Crazy Man Points Out the Truth
Apparently this guy was in the store a few days back and he shouted things to my aunt like, "AM I DONE TALKING?!" and pointed his finger. my mom got scared and walked away. he was mad because his wife bought an entertainment center that he didn't want. his wife thinks he is crazy, according to him, and he tried to prove his side by saying, "she never gives a straight answer. it's always half-truths," showing a small distance between his thumb and pointer finger, as if he's ready to imaginatively crush distant people's heads. "i'll ask her where she's been all day," he contined, "and she'll say the mall!" he gave a look like his point was half-proved already. "I say, 'The Mall??" he said, like one would to their daughter coming home at midnight and had said she'd been 'out.' He says, "Which mall??" "The Galleria." she says. "There's hundreds of stores in the Galleria, where exactly have you been" "I don't know, I was at the Gap getting John shoes." "Good!" he says with an exasperated air as if it was finally his turn to buy his tickets at the airport. "Next time i ask you where you've been, tell me where you've been."
Well, the next day, the guy's at the store again, and he seems nice enough, as i hadn't known about him coming in the day before, but then i hear talk between he and my aunt that could be an argument. so i take over talking with him. he starts out by complimenting my shirt. good move. he goes on to tell me about how men still care about how things look and fashion along with functionality. and after he feels the need to tell me he's not gay, he tells me about the old days when home entertainment systems weren't so big and monstrous. he struck me as a very calm, nice individual but also as a guy that rarely gets to voice his opinion because he isn't very aggressive and because he thinks somewhat deeper than is easily communicative. then he takes me into a more personal subject as we walk to a corner in the store. i'm told that he's worried about his kids and their views on relationships because of how his relationship with his wife is going. his son is 22 and he's worried that his son won't pick the right kind of woman. i'm following him to a degree but then his phone begins ringing and he says something about raymond from everybody loves raymond and how a man can only seem like a moron or insensitive. and then as he walks out of the store he tells me to watch commercials and advertising and that i should look for how 80% of it is centered around male-bashing. i'm thinking, this guy's a little weird, but seems nice enough.
This spunky advertising agent and her friend come in a few minutes later. They begin chatting with my aunt about going to some fundraiser together. i'm right next to them but i'm thinking about whether or not women are beginning to dominate the culture. the guy had told me that they are engineered for an intense atmosphere. i found truth in this when i thought about my aunt and how i can never get my point across because she shoots back something else right away, whether or not it relates, or i force her to listen to me but then she just gets hurt and then pissy and says something personal and critical about me. our relationship isn't really that bad but it was how i was viewing it after talking to that guy. i'm interrupted from my thoughts by the conversation next to me as i'm alluded to as the one possibly responsible for moving the brochure for the fundraiser. i find the brochure and it turns out to have naked men all over it. it features the world famous chippendales from new york city! they're all giddy over it and saying that if you take a friend they will beg you to let them come the next year. i said to them, "how can you women get away with this?" they all have a good laugh and giggle at me and themselves. my aunt takes my question as a hint that her husband might not like her to go. the spunky gal says sarcastically, "Yeah, you better ask your husband!" and then laughs and laughs.
anyway, i got carried away by the conversation moments later and forgot about it all until tonight when my mom spent twenty minutes convincing me that the guy was crazy by telling me stuff in the first paragraph and more. but then i saw the brochure again and thought...

Coming Soon Ladies. Sponsored and Advertised on Local Radio Station. Join in the Fun!
Well, the next day, the guy's at the store again, and he seems nice enough, as i hadn't known about him coming in the day before, but then i hear talk between he and my aunt that could be an argument. so i take over talking with him. he starts out by complimenting my shirt. good move. he goes on to tell me about how men still care about how things look and fashion along with functionality. and after he feels the need to tell me he's not gay, he tells me about the old days when home entertainment systems weren't so big and monstrous. he struck me as a very calm, nice individual but also as a guy that rarely gets to voice his opinion because he isn't very aggressive and because he thinks somewhat deeper than is easily communicative. then he takes me into a more personal subject as we walk to a corner in the store. i'm told that he's worried about his kids and their views on relationships because of how his relationship with his wife is going. his son is 22 and he's worried that his son won't pick the right kind of woman. i'm following him to a degree but then his phone begins ringing and he says something about raymond from everybody loves raymond and how a man can only seem like a moron or insensitive. and then as he walks out of the store he tells me to watch commercials and advertising and that i should look for how 80% of it is centered around male-bashing. i'm thinking, this guy's a little weird, but seems nice enough.
This spunky advertising agent and her friend come in a few minutes later. They begin chatting with my aunt about going to some fundraiser together. i'm right next to them but i'm thinking about whether or not women are beginning to dominate the culture. the guy had told me that they are engineered for an intense atmosphere. i found truth in this when i thought about my aunt and how i can never get my point across because she shoots back something else right away, whether or not it relates, or i force her to listen to me but then she just gets hurt and then pissy and says something personal and critical about me. our relationship isn't really that bad but it was how i was viewing it after talking to that guy. i'm interrupted from my thoughts by the conversation next to me as i'm alluded to as the one possibly responsible for moving the brochure for the fundraiser. i find the brochure and it turns out to have naked men all over it. it features the world famous chippendales from new york city! they're all giddy over it and saying that if you take a friend they will beg you to let them come the next year. i said to them, "how can you women get away with this?" they all have a good laugh and giggle at me and themselves. my aunt takes my question as a hint that her husband might not like her to go. the spunky gal says sarcastically, "Yeah, you better ask your husband!" and then laughs and laughs.
anyway, i got carried away by the conversation moments later and forgot about it all until tonight when my mom spent twenty minutes convincing me that the guy was crazy by telling me stuff in the first paragraph and more. but then i saw the brochure again and thought...

Coming Soon Ladies. Sponsored and Advertised on Local Radio Station. Join in the Fun!
4 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 12:37 PM,
ClickNathan said…
This is easily your best blog ever. That, or I'm just happier than I've been in a long time and it's wearing off on my ability to respond objectively.
Anyway, I would have loved to have heard you recanting this in person just so you could see the wonderment on my face as I reacted to each new twist and turn, how the guy was hilarious, and then how you came to your aunt's rescue like a big tough strong man and then how you empathized with the guy and eventually he seeped into your brain a bit and by the end he even somehow seeped into mine.
Fecking women always looking to get back to a matriarchal society. I'll keep an eye out.
At 12:40 PM,
ClickNathan said…
Maybe we should get 100 or so of our best blogs and put them together and publish them in a book.
Or better yet, an online book. Yeah, we'll seperate them into two sections: your stuff and my stuff. And it will be on the internet.
Yeah, let's do it.
Good job guys.
Oh and by "I would have loved to have....you could see...my face" that whole statement above really didn't mean because I wanted you to see my face as much as my expression to your story.
I'm not narcistic, I swear.
But I took a quiz and it said I was. Also 90% schizotypoidal or something. I just laughed it all off but you might want to take it too, just to be sure.
At 5:44 PM,
Olivia Meiring said…
Ha haha Nathan, you completely threw me off track. I really had something to say. I can't remember what it was now, but I will say this,
Chad you are such a good writer. I love visiting your site every few days to take a peek into your head. It's a wonderful break. The comments people leave here are just too wonderful. So wonderful in fact I feel slightly intimidated and find it hard to say something. It'll just come out naff like this one. I suppose over time as I get to know you a little better I'll be able to leave stuff here regularly.
Anyway... keep it up.
At 6:58 PM,
chad was marco said…
oh, thanks a lot olivia. hmm, sometimes i feel just like you do when commenting on my site as i do when writing a post.
what's daff mean. well, i guess i know what it means, in a way, but i never heard it before.
please, comment whenever and whatever you like. that would be the only way for us to get to know each other better. anyway, every comment makes my day. especially from new people.
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