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Sunday, January 16

JD Salinger Induced

So this amiable kid in Catcher in the Rye accurately describes common human actions with the attention in just the right places, at least for me.

People don't seem to prefer things to be 'out in the open' it seems. If someone walks into a room and says 'hi,' even real phony like, one better be prepared, at least, to grunt back. It would be rude not to, and it could lead to a physical altercation. Especially if the two people don't like each other. I mean, roosters only live to mate and to kill other roosters I heard. We all try to live socially, but we are all still driven to prove our own superiority. Hence money and stuff. I mean, this guy's bigger than you and treats you real bad, you know, in front of girls or something, and physically you can't do anything about it, and socially you can't do anything like shoot him with a gun or something. But, you vow to prove yourself better than him somehow, even if he never knows it, you know, you gotta prove it to yourself at least. Go home to your friends or your mom and talk about your moral supremacy or something. You know, hence religion, perhaps. I can't really see us ever losing this drive to feel superior. Probably we'll just find more and more ways to conceal it better, I guess. But, if we did lose that drive maybe everyone's life would be a pursuit of art or something, for certainly our lives would seem much more meaningless. I don't really know what love is, but if I knew it like real well, like the way it is idealized, then maybe the answer to life would be like religion and God and stuff. And maybe the answer would be something like the Buddhists say, like just being and not even pursuing stuff at all. But I lose my temper and get all mad when people criticise me, telling me in effect, that they could do better in my shoes and stuff, and I feel like I've really been trying, and i just want them to be patient and just see where i end up. It'll be sad when i realize i shoud've listened to them maybe, but it just doesn't make sense to me right now. But I just don't want to force it, you know, nobody does, i guess, but i guess life just isn't perfect yet, and i guess i still have to pay some bills .

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