Going Out on a Limb
is an excellent place to go. it shocks me back into reality a little, not to mention the excitment it brings. things could go right, or things could go wrong, and it's all because I, myself, climbed out on a limb. why would i do that, an older (meaning more previous) me would have asked.*
i've been having dreams that deal with what i'd call my new age emotions. dreams where i experience moments of conscious realization of added reality. And i think to myself in these moments (without realizing that i'm dreaming) 'yeah, this is better; look around a little and see the buildings, your setting.' sometimes i do this in real life, and just recently it's been showing up in my dreams.
lately, i've been waking up thinking 'come on, let's have at it,' but as 'it' has not been very present in much of a form that would prenecessitate having at it's obvious tone of screaming from a cliff top 'ok, i'm gonna do it!' 'it' being leaping into the water.** but then, it seems, i am perhaps not on top of a cliff, for when i look around i see such mundane things as chilly pennsylvania woods and reams of paper and buckets of pens. so obviously (when noting my sarcastic tone) it is only i that restricts myself from 'having at it' for 'it' is there, in some form, i just have not within me the 'have at it' part (quite yet). so i'll settle in patiently, allow things to revert back to habit, and enjoy my day off in clothing strewn room with component-supplied color and brilliant sound.***
*i read in a johnny depp interview (actually he was the one interviewing some other famous actor) that he and this other guy both agreed that 'teetering' is a great place to be, haha, yeah
**i can't help but think i should have put here(where the above double-astericks reside) something grandly funnier
***it's either supertroopers or once upon a time in mexico
i've been having dreams that deal with what i'd call my new age emotions. dreams where i experience moments of conscious realization of added reality. And i think to myself in these moments (without realizing that i'm dreaming) 'yeah, this is better; look around a little and see the buildings, your setting.' sometimes i do this in real life, and just recently it's been showing up in my dreams.
lately, i've been waking up thinking 'come on, let's have at it,' but as 'it' has not been very present in much of a form that would prenecessitate having at it's obvious tone of screaming from a cliff top 'ok, i'm gonna do it!' 'it' being leaping into the water.** but then, it seems, i am perhaps not on top of a cliff, for when i look around i see such mundane things as chilly pennsylvania woods and reams of paper and buckets of pens. so obviously (when noting my sarcastic tone) it is only i that restricts myself from 'having at it' for 'it' is there, in some form, i just have not within me the 'have at it' part (quite yet). so i'll settle in patiently, allow things to revert back to habit, and enjoy my day off in clothing strewn room with component-supplied color and brilliant sound.***
*i read in a johnny depp interview (actually he was the one interviewing some other famous actor) that he and this other guy both agreed that 'teetering' is a great place to be, haha, yeah
**i can't help but think i should have put here(where the above double-astericks reside) something grandly funnier
***it's either supertroopers or once upon a time in mexico
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 8:44 AM,
ClickNathan said…
"such mundane things as chilly pennsylvania woods and reams of paper and buckets of pens" - if these are truly your dreams, then I share them. I experience them while I'm awake though...
Straying somewhat from your point but allowing my own comments to drive the conversation beyond a single post:
I had a dream the other night that I was on the set for the making of Legend and I was walking around only to suddenly realize that I was dreaming. So I thought, "woohoo! I can do anything I want," and jumped into the air as though I was going to fly. Alas, to no avail. I did a silly summersault thing and kept on my merry way.
I've had lucid dreams before where I could control them, i.e. I knew I was dreaming, where I've done the following thing, in reverse chronological order:
1. Flew around my work with an extreme lack of proficiency.
2. Raped a girl
3. Stole a car from the hotel where Web works and drove it off of the top floor of the car lot.
Thank you for your time.
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