unstoppable may have been an awful name for this movie, but anyway...
Wesley Snipes was tied up to a chair, arms behind his back. His best friend, last name Scott, was blindfolded, noose around his neck, perched on a stool in Bosnia, prisoners. The enemy had covered him, Scott, with gasoline; a lighter was held close by, toying with him. Snipes wouldn't let this happen. "Step forward Scott," he urged. Scott said, "I can't." "They aren't going to burn you," said Snipes. "Step forward." Scott declined. "Step forward, it's the only way I can help you," he pleaded. Scott wouldn't, couldn't. "Step forward soldier!" Scott stepped forward, and fell into the clutch of the noose. He hung, dead. Snipes smiled; he hadn't let them burn him alive.
*yeah, a pretty blunt/juvenile title
Wesley Snipes was tied up to a chair, arms behind his back. His best friend, last name Scott, was blindfolded, noose around his neck, perched on a stool in Bosnia, prisoners. The enemy had covered him, Scott, with gasoline; a lighter was held close by, toying with him. Snipes wouldn't let this happen. "Step forward Scott," he urged. Scott said, "I can't." "They aren't going to burn you," said Snipes. "Step forward." Scott declined. "Step forward, it's the only way I can help you," he pleaded. Scott wouldn't, couldn't. "Step forward soldier!" Scott stepped forward, and fell into the clutch of the noose. He hung, dead. Snipes smiled; he hadn't let them burn him alive.
*yeah, a pretty blunt/juvenile title
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was reading through a Target magazine, for literary excellence, and found the following three video games listed in order:
Call of Duty
Ghost Recon
If those aren't the three most "Unstoppable" names ever, I don't know what is. It reminds me of when original Nintendo started making all of their games about tough guys fighting in sewers and on top of buildings with names like "Bad Dudes" or "ShootKillExplosionHour"
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