now it's gone
Most of my blogs start off with a phrase in my head and after deciding to start my blog with that phrase i end it in some way that works. it's like i give myself a problem and then solve for 'me' or something that pertains to something i would write about. for example, before i started this blog, i thought up the phrase: 'it feels like forever since...' and then i started thinking of a way to end it. but this time i decided it was more interesting to think about how i do that than to go right into it.
it feels like forever since i had my old blog. i can't remember all of the good times on it but what can i remember? well one time i was really drunk and at steve's and i wrote this post about his tunnel refridgerator. yaah, that was a good time. oh ya, jackie graham posted on that one. cool. hmm. actually i can't remeber any more right now
-updated 12/02/04
-corrected misspelled word in title
-1 minute - $25 charge
-due - 1/1/05 baby
it feels like forever since i had my old blog. i can't remember all of the good times on it but what can i remember? well one time i was really drunk and at steve's and i wrote this post about his tunnel refridgerator. yaah, that was a good time. oh ya, jackie graham posted on that one. cool. hmm. actually i can't remeber any more right now
-updated 12/02/04
-corrected misspelled word in title
-1 minute - $25 charge
-due - 1/1/05 baby
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 12:59 PM,
chad was marco said…
hey, remember the one time that you commented on your own blog post? hahaha
ps damn straight
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