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Wednesday, December 1

'I'm in my dream,' is the only thing i can keep thinking, cowering, my arms hugging my shins, pressing my back into the corner of this alien white wall. I'm confused, excited and scared, of course, but I feel real, like me. I can see everything around me clearly, but..., how could it all be real? There's a humming sound. I feel like it must be a constant part of this world, always this hum; sounds like middle C. There's a breeze too, but there is no temperature change and so I feel like I'm inside, but I can see the blue sky above me. At first, that comforted me, made me feel less trapped. Then white puffy clouds swept in. I gazed at them. They must have been moving 200 miles per hour. Blue still occupied most of the sky. I kept looking around, amazed that I was so under control. Then the clouds stopped appearing from above the building type thing that was my visual horizon. The buildings had no windows or doors. They were just square and tall, like from a cheap video game that maybe the creator never decided to finish, and so everything stood in stasis, a bare template

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