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Wednesday, December 29

How Video Games are Saving My Life

if i don't have A.D.D. then this post will make sense. if i do have A.D.D. then video games really are saving my life.

oh, ya, this is going to be a convincing essay.

is anyone with me?

From Sidewalk Socrates by James Ryerson, philosophynews.com:

Sidney Morgenbesser, Columbia philosophy professor was considered by many to be one of the greatest minds of the century but he published very little. A prestegious student said that he majored in Sidney Morgenbesser, who was one of his professors. He is a legend amongst his colleagues and in his field. one well known story about him is his encounter with Oxford philosopher J.L. Austin. Austin was giving a speech on the philosophy of language and saying that double negatives amount to a positive but double positives can not amount to a negative. Right here is where, from the audience, Morgenbesser sarcastically uttered "Yeah, yeah."

-Ryerson's words -> "There is a danger, of course, in being too clever...He was exceptional at taking ideas apart, but not at building them up. No argument ever satisfied him, least of all his own...He was an inhibiting kind of genius, not a liberating one...always looking to dissect further...friends and colleagues could always throw up their hands and walk away. Morgenbesser...did not have that option."

in his final days he asked "Why is God making me suffer so much? Just because I don't believe in him?"

i got home at 4 am again yesterday, but i stayed up until 5 or so writing 3 pages on the subject: nothing. it was very informative for me, keeping things overly overt.

6 hours of video games per night is very healthy for me and for others i'm sure. i know most of you people do 'things' all of the time that take your attention. but little i do deserves my attention. paying attention to video games for 6 hours is rubbing off on my personal life leading me to partake in riskier conversation because i'm trusting myself more and more to be able to follow people. but i used to be here, years ago, and i backed down from all of the argument. i wanted to relate to everyone, but many people just weren't worth following. actually that's just an excuse. i stopped paying attention because i wanted to. and by believing this, i am allowing myself to think that i am in charge of my life.

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