Employ a little self-deception for chrissakes
human beings are not, in nature, a complacent, content species. we are not satisfied by gathering food, then sleeping, like other species. uh-oh! we still have the desire to feel content and peaceful sometimes, dont we. if you are constantly trying to improve, the world will feel like a pretty tough place to live. use all of your favorite tricks to make yourself feel better now and then. and at the same time, allow yourself to believe that you will forget forever that you are deceiving yourself. truth is, you will, inevitably, grow impatient and look to improve yourself again. just be glad that you gave yourself a break, whether it was for 10 minutes or you one week. we don't take enough mental breaks (or mental masterbation as my only enemy would call it). and i don't mean watch tv. i mean, tell yourself you are exceptional, recall all of your best achievements, imagine yourself walking into a crowd confidentely with all of your friends, then, with your eyebrows a little higher and blood pumping close to your temples, engage in conversation with somebody using all of your energy to take what you want out of the encounter and to try to satisfy what the other person desires from it. usually people aren't asking for much and you can please them and yourself with little effort and few mistakes. if succesful, you can walk away with confidence and you may drop the so called self-deception, which has been given a bad rap over the years.
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At 12:30 PM,
ClickNathan said…
touche, Jim.
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