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Saturday, November 6

No Comment, No Opinion

This is the most I will talk about the election. I have no feelings about it. Umm, I tend to believe there was no rigging, people just really, really want to believe there was. Anyway, I've done very little research, I've not been persuaded in any direction by media, as I distrust all of it to some degree, and I would seriously contend that Kerry has no IQ points over Bush, call me crazy. So, totally based on no feeling and skeptical of all facts I hear, I would have voted for Bush. I don't care what all of the ignorant America-detesting foreigners think of America, but what the intelligent people of the world think. We voted for Bush. Do the truly wise of the world decide that America in general is filled with idiots and seeing our election results dismiss the most powerful nation in the world as morally incompetent misers or as thoughtless puppets contolled by our government and economy? Or, do they think us respectable for the most part, and upon seeing those results take their shock and turn it into consideration and find ways to condone and explain our decision? It will be interesting to see; perhaps more so than watching Kerry stagger about trying to win over the world. I may not be a person you would like. You may hate me and I hate you for hating. I have no argument; don't think I pretend to; I'm just blowing smoke.

4 $BlogItemCommentCount$:

  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger ClickNathan said…

    remember when that dog died and you modeled an award face for it?

  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    are you just pulling my chain? i swear i'm not sure what i hate more: sitting in this furniture store listening to oldies or walking around taking pictures of new items listening to country.

  • At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's an evil song that supports bullies and thugs i hate the sick nasty evil song it supports evil bullies so the song writer and scum who like the song should be locked up.

    am fed up with women who fancy bullies thinking they are the voice of common sense. Thye are utterly evil people they support abusive bullies in the most passionate way and then start patronsing and insulting good men like me for being too nice what a bunch of evil shitheads, Thye support evil men, Evil men and evil women should be locked up
    Dont give me any immoral indignation you support abuse youre dangerous. By the way i am not on the baord for advice insults or dissmissive or sneeering coments i am giving my opinion that if you had any morality you would support.

  • At 11:58 AM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    such and such will be forever yours, and the glory of this and that can be bestowed upon you if only you, well, you know...


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