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Tuesday, November 23

Diversions and Sidenotes

oh ya. there's this other song where the guy sings about how much he needs her, but the funny thing is she thinks she's the lucky one. they played that 3-4 times today (i'm not sure, i left for 2 hours)


i was persuaded away from a good game of ball between the pats and chiefs last night (with a G rating this time, according to USA today. This contrasting the sexual/racial/controversial Are You Ready For Some Football intro last week where star of Desparate Housewives revealed her nude back by tossing her towel and proceeded to toss her white body into the big black body of terrell owens, a football player. most didn't think it was racial, but black coach tony dungy did and so do i in a way because i know that she wouldn't have jumped into payton mannings white arms. it just wouldn't have fit the right stereotype they were playing to. well abc got into some trouble. this week through, to start off the show, tom brady said "it's 9 o'clock." and then pointing a football towards the tv "are you ready for some football?!" and then following scenes of the teams making plays being flashed on the tv came QB trent green standing with TE Tony Gonzalez 5 yards away getting tossed the football)

oh. listen. Ol Froggie's playin this song now that's chorus begins "Whaaaun Haaaaut Maaaama" and then "whatdya say baby" and then ending in his deepest voice "You Wanna?" it's all very upbeat.

so the show i watched instead of football will be explained tomorrow perhaps. here's a tease. What has a mean mom, vegans vs cajuns, self righteous protesters, and poses enough of a moral dilemma to get me to watch it instead of MNF? here's a hint: it involves interchanging an integral part of 2 households and if you still don't get it you must enjoy fiction TV.

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