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Wednesday, October 6

Just Postin'

I have another neck crink. Hmmm, growing pains i suppose. the store here is going to shit, yet i'm making time to post something, albeit with a glaring lack of creativity. but it seems my blog readers are more interested in posts of quantity not quality (not that my lack of quantity = increase in Quality). but they'll eat anything. won't you two. some people get addicted to things and indulge themselves till they grow sick and before long they'll've changed to Hmail. others get addicted to things and blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnds are hot! nah just kitten. haha. neck crinks bother.

just postin,
yours truly

2 $BlogItemCommentCount$:

  • At 10:30 AM, Blogger chad was marco said…

    that cat looks like it's been infested with an alien.

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger ClickNathan said…

    Is it possible to be infested with a single alien?

    Also, lack of quantity may not equal increase in Quality, but using a capital Q is always good for the blogvironment. (That's like the environment, but with different letters.)

    And Hmail does sound good. 1 better than Gmail, but let's just cut right to the chase and get Zmail, or better yet NOWIKNOWMYABCSmail.

    Going any further with that joke would just be ludicris.


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