Dizzying Spin Kicks above the Gorge
So, I made it to Erie. That was it though. 3 days of liquor, beer and leaf and fuzion frenzy. I guess the only important thing that happened was a thought I was having when left alone in the dark woods to tend a late night fire. I contemplated why it wasn't scary. I remembered how it used to feel when it was scary. I realized what life would be like if that fear was around more often. If there were real things in the woods that were going to kill me, and I'd experienced close calls alot, life would have more fear. Kinda like in the middle east. I'm writing like a moron, but it's because I never learned how to write serious things. There's nothing to imagine.
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 4:33 PM,
ClickNathan said…
Cool man. Sounds like you had a grand adventure in Erie. Too bad you don't know any fellow bloggers who live in Erie who you could have called and said, "Hey man, come hang out with me and impart your mighty fire-building skills."
Hah. Probably wearing my hat all the while.
Earnestly boisterous,
Nord Strom
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