3 questions
why can't i predict when i'm going to have a great time?
why can't i see the stars as casually as i see my shoes?
why can't i post internet found pictures from work when i can from steve's?
please do not think you know the answer to that last one because i'll just make you look stupid because there are about 3 obvious reasons you'll want to say, but i've checked those ones; it's sneakier than that.
how bout a round of applause for,
why can't i see the stars as casually as i see my shoes?
why can't i post internet found pictures from work when i can from steve's?
please do not think you know the answer to that last one because i'll just make you look stupid because there are about 3 obvious reasons you'll want to say, but i've checked those ones; it's sneakier than that.
how bout a round of applause for,
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
All of the answers you'll ever need to know:
1. Why can't you predict when you're going to have a great time? Well that's just obvious.
2. Why can't you see the stars as casually as you see your shoes? Two part answer, A) You wear a very formal shoe or B) Stars don't work on Fridays.
3. Why can't you blah blah blah pictures on the steve's house? For that we'll need an in depth look at the parameters of your life.
Part 1 of 278, section A, subcomplement 1.0000000001, disciple 12: The theory behind the original internet was developed when an aspiring horse trainer thought that circumnavigating the globe would be more easily done were he made completely of a gelatin substance known as Green Jell-O (later renamed Green Jelly after the band was confronted with a lawsuit by the Jell-O Corporation, Bill Cosby not included). It was not until the latter parts of the fifteenth century that a man by the name of Ivan Ricktenstauer, a portly gentleman with an ivory buckle adorned with the portraits of the most popular galavants of the time (more...)
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