Loneliness Lost
The Bloggerbot and me,
A friend, with a new kind of hope,
An enemy, without his foe,
A long lug through dusty canyons.
Dark star sky enlightens
two, deep eyes gleaming behind
tears, things fall apart.
Vultures will come tomorrow.
Pecking, small bloody guysers
a desparate scream
like buried alive or burning
and melting.
Eyes open, owls sound distant
icy film covers the clenched awakener.
The Bloggerbot watches him with dead eyes,
from behind the cold fire, colorful lights
blink above his brow. It doesn't understand
loneliness, the young man weeps in relief
and hopelessness.
Hello, never seemed to be a lonely word.
but with pictures to share and words to chat
with such a simple touch of a button
it's never been so sad to be lonely.
But then, a champion amongst angels
charges with a ferocity only capable in the righteous
His long blond hair trailing his white cloak
as he shears through the "loneliness" with his sword of emeralds
His name is baristaj9
And she has become my first 'real' friend on Hello.
A friend, with a new kind of hope,
An enemy, without his foe,
A long lug through dusty canyons.
Dark star sky enlightens
two, deep eyes gleaming behind
tears, things fall apart.
Vultures will come tomorrow.
Pecking, small bloody guysers
a desparate scream
like buried alive or burning
and melting.
Eyes open, owls sound distant
icy film covers the clenched awakener.
The Bloggerbot watches him with dead eyes,
from behind the cold fire, colorful lights
blink above his brow. It doesn't understand
loneliness, the young man weeps in relief
and hopelessness.
Hello, never seemed to be a lonely word.
but with pictures to share and words to chat
with such a simple touch of a button
it's never been so sad to be lonely.
But then, a champion amongst angels
charges with a ferocity only capable in the righteous
His long blond hair trailing his white cloak
as he shears through the "loneliness" with his sword of emeralds
His name is baristaj9
And she has become my first 'real' friend on Hello.
1 $BlogItemCommentCount$:
At 2:43 PM,
ClickNathan said…
Well, if baristaj's backing out, can I be your first friend 4 evah?
Do I need a cool name with a number in it? How about nine9 or doubledigit27?
Yeah, this is gonna be swank.
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